Chloe had her teeth cleaned Friday.  The dentist put her on IV to sedate her.  Her teeth look great. The paw that had the IV is now painful to the touch.  I took her to the vet after she yelped and almost bit me.  I wonder if it could be something that happend with the IV?  She is not limping at all, but touch it and it is painful.  I got her some pain medication from the vet.  I am thinking of taking her back Friday if it does not improve.

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Comment by Jennifer Markley on August 23, 2012 at 9:16am
Yes, it could be. She could have a phlebitis, which is an irritation of the vein. She could have an infection starting from the IV being placed. Or the IV could have infiltrated, where the catheter wasn't in the vein, letting fluids and meds leak into the tissue- Some of these can be caustic and kill the tissue. I'd have it rechecked.

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