Ever have a pup do something so frustrating that you know you need to just step back and cool off for a bit? Stormy chewed the cord to our deep freezer right in half! An entire huge deep freezer full of deer meat is totally wasted for the second time. A couple of weeks ago he managed to yank on it and unplug it, causing it to defrost then, too.

Stormy and Thor are so opposite! Stormy is the problem child to Thor's golden child. He has all the boredom destruction, barking, nipping, and other challenging corgi traits. Thor is calm, quiet, eager to learn, and sweet-everything that one could hope for lol. I knew that having two puppies at the same time was going to be difficult, but I never expected all the difficulty to be coming from a single pup! He's so rough that all three other corgis tend to avoid him. I'm trying so hard to be patient, but at times like this, it is all I can do to just step back, breathe, and stay calm :(

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Comment by Chris Payerl on July 1, 2013 at 10:46pm
I think you stated the answer to your problem in your post ---- "boredom destruction". Sounds like Stormy could do with more physical and mental activity than Thor needs. We got a dog puzzle toy for Sophie because we have to somewhat limit her physical play due to back issues. You put kibbles or treats in different compartments and then the dog has to figure out how to get at them by knocking pieces out and sliding covers. You do have to supervise so that the dog won't chew up the loose pieces, but it can entertain for awhile. Sophie asks us for a puzzle every night by going to where we keep it, putting her nose on it, looking at us and making a soft "woof." She loves it. Our first corgi, Asta, was a horrible chewer. She chewed the wooden kitchen cabinets, baseboards, door frame, chair legs, and assorted other household and clothing items and her crate. I blame hubby for the cabinets, doorframe and baseboard chewing, though. He felt bad making her stay in her crate and allowed her out when we went to work. It's amazing what one little corgi pup can get up to in the course of one work day!
Comment by Linda on July 1, 2013 at 10:36pm

Oh my!  Amazing feat of self-control on your part.  All 3 of my corgis have been adult rescues so no major chewing disasters.  Tho Arnie was very fond of chewing up anything paper....he even managed to demolish a phone book.

The worst puppy for that type of stuff was our Irish Wolfhound Duffy.  When he was teething he liked to chew on wood.  He ate the footboard of my daughter's antique bed, the corners off 2 antique trunks, a leg on a fireside chair, legs off 2 kitchen chairs and the cross piece on the kitchen trestle table.  He also chewed the woodwork in the kitchen when we confined him to that room...which just happened to be where the telephone line came up to the wall phone in the kitchen.  Our female wolfhound was older when we got her and she confined herself to eating any stick she could find in the yard.  That led to getting a small piece of one stuck in the back of her mouth/throat.  She didn't choke on it but couldn't close her mouth.

That PVC sounds like a great idea...I will file that away for the next puppy we get.

Comment by Jane Christensen on July 1, 2013 at 9:37pm

Been there with a computer and I lost everything including pics:( A vacumn also but that wasn't quite so bad...Sage was one of the 2 pups and now at 3 she is the best and most well behaved of all my corgis...except for barking:(

Comment by Lois B. Allen on July 1, 2013 at 9:27pm

I am normally not one to anger quickly but on rare occasion, it overcomes me and I think that would have been one of those times.  Good luck.  At least you have other "good corgis" or you would be turned off.

Comment by Renee Krajcar on July 1, 2013 at 9:26pm

When Fergus ( who is coming up on 6 months old) eats through something I sing -- One Two Buckle My Shoe in my head -- until I am calm enough to not put a free puppy sign in my yard LOL Currently he is loving the base of our pool table -- and doing a wonderful job of getting pieces of wood off <sigh> and then you say He is a JOY I LOVE HIM SO and go on with your day -- well after you run the vac yet again for the day =-) 

Comment by Rachael McClanahan on July 1, 2013 at 9:00pm
Thanks for the PVC tip! I have some laying in the back yard so I may just give that a try.

Lois- it seriously took all my self control to do it! I'm pretty proud of how well i handled him lol.
Comment by Abbey & Anne on July 1, 2013 at 8:04pm

I have no words of wisdom about your pup, but maybe a hint to help with the electric chord. Cut a piece of pvc pipe the length of your chord and insert it. Pup will not be able to get to the chord to chew it in two. Hope this helps.

Comment by Lois B. Allen on July 1, 2013 at 7:46pm

WOW! Congratulations on even partially being able to back up and breathe.  

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