Apparently I am in denial! My husband informed me yesterday that according to his calendar Sparty is actually going to be 12 this June not 11 as I thought. I of course had to check and he is right(always hard to admit that to hubby) my baby is going to be 12. He seems so young in so many ways that I have a hard time thinking of him as old but I will just have to accept it I guess! The vet did send me a reminder that Sparty was due for his Senior checkup which I figured they did not realize how long corgis live. Oh well! I love him more all the time so we will enjoy his senior years as much as possible.

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Comment by Mendy Miller on June 7, 2010 at 8:02pm
It's hard to be in denial when you have that confrontational pedigree too! Petie is still smiling at 14. It's hard to ignore when I am dropping that glucosamine condroitin tab, fish oil, prednisone, and thyroid tab in his food every day. : ) On the other hand, he can still walk around 4 blocks at a trot, jump up on the couch, and keep the squirrels and bunnies running in the back yard! So bless him, and knock on wood. I'll do whatever it takes, cause he's my boy!
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on April 25, 2010 at 10:01pm
I understand. I refuse to remember Lucy's birth date or age. Denial works fine for me (although most therapists feel it's among the worst defenses). But, as a retired psychotherapist, I can safely say, "what do THEY know?" haha.
Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on March 27, 2010 at 6:22pm
They are only as old as you treat them...they are all puppies at heart! He's still got a long time to make fun and friends. So enjoy him to the fullest. :) And may he spend his days falling asleep on the couch before wheel of fortune is over, in true senior form!
Comment by Susan Stanton on March 27, 2010 at 6:12pm
Boy -- is it me, or is time speeding up? Glad he is healthy and youthful, and hope you have many many more happy years together. When I took the huge leap of leaving NY for rural CT, my Bertie was under a year -- and he'll be six in May. My little pupola! We send Sparty many puppy hugs.
Comment by christy fry on March 27, 2010 at 4:25pm
ooh the older one's are quite fun!!!! and they have a sense of maturity about them that is soooooo endearing...many happy years Sparty =)
Comment by Beth on March 27, 2010 at 12:15pm
Aw Bev, I know how hard it is to watch them get old. I hope your Sparty has several happy and active years left with you. A dog could not ask for a better home than one with you.
Comment by Jane Christensen on March 27, 2010 at 12:02pm
Those senior years are so special! My Weimeraner mix is now going on 13 and lives with my daughter because he shouldn't be running like he does at our house(like a pup)! I guess we can be thankful for all the time we have and hope for a much longer time! Where does that time go????

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