Do you take your corgis with you to your Sonic Drive-In?

I've noticed certain Sonics are very dog friendly! Some keep treats on hand to give to your pup. In Austin I live pretty close to one so I'll go during happy hour pretty often to get a half-priced Diet Cherry Limeade (yum!) and I'll take the dogs with me. Everyone always freaks out about how cute they are and runs inside to get dog treats for them (which usually end up falling into the cracks between the seats before they're completely eaten but oh well). The Sonics I've been to in San Antonio, however, have never offered me dog treats. Does your local Sonic hand out dog treats like mine does? Orion and Laika get excited when I tell them we're going to Sonic to get a limeade. Also, does anyone know of any other dog-friendly places? Most Home Depots allow dogs so when I go I'll put Orion and Laika in the cart with me but I'm not sure of any other dog-friendly places. I think I may have seen a dachshund in Hobby Lobby once.

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Comment by Betts on September 18, 2010 at 9:16pm
We've not tried Sonic, but will. Our Starbucks gives out Puppaccinos (also small cup with whipped cream) at the drive through, and you can always get one by asking inside. My bank gives doggie biscuits if you go through the dirve-through, and our downtown restaurant district just decided to allow dogs in all the outdoor dining areas. Hooray!
Comment by Susan Stanton on September 18, 2010 at 7:45pm
That's the cutest picture! As if you'd picked up a couple of pups with your plants! We have a "treat round" we make sometimes -- the bank, the local bookstore, and the drive-in espresso lady all have treats, oh! and I can't forget the dump (we don't have garbage pick up, so we take stuff to the dump twice/week). They know all the places, and hang out of the window drooling to beat the band. The closest Starbucks doesn't have treats, so Ethel always gives them a hard stare and some sharp barks when I get my coffee, which makes everyone inside crack up. And one Sat. AM, I spaced out and drove by the dump entrance -- and Ethel jumped into the front seat, and I SWEAR she was about the grab the wheel to make me do u-turn. Also -- if I leave my freshly brewed latte in the car with Ethel, she'll pull the top off and lick all the foam out. And amazingly, when I return to my car, she's exactly where I left her in the backseat -- there are just footprints on the front seat, teeth marks on the coffee cup, and she has a little milk mustache!

When I lived in Manhattan and Bertie was a pup, Bed Bath & Beyond was dog friendly -- so friendly, in fact, the staff used to follow us around because they all thought Bertie was the cutest thing they'd ever seen! So nice to know they had good taste ;-)
Comment by Geri & Sidney on September 18, 2010 at 6:42pm
Our local Chick-Fil-A gives the pups Beggin' Strips at the drive thru :)
I have not taken Sid to Sonic yet. We only got our Sonic earlier this year. WE'll have to check it out.
We have gotten the doggie latte from Starbucks. Sid loves it. no tummy ache. Maybe it's non-dairy topping?
Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on September 18, 2010 at 6:31pm
There are also lots of places in Austin that allow pups on the porch, I forgot about that. There's this dessert/coffee place called Mozarts and we'll take the pups and get apple pie al la mode! And its right next to Red Bud Isle which is a fun off leash dog park :)
Comment by Sarah C. on September 18, 2010 at 6:27pm
Sonics here don't have dog treats but they do allow my puppies in the car or in the picnic area.
There's a pub in Houston that allows dogs on the porch! They always bring me a bowl of water for the little ones.
Our drive-thru starbucks gave little didi the Doggie Latte (mini whipp cream cup) but it gave her La-diarhea. >_<.
Firestone has been nice enough to allow my dogs inside several times when I had to wait a long time. When I'm indoors someplace with my dog I always try extra hard to have them behave so that we can be good ambassadors for doggie kind.
Comment by Gail and Ashton on September 18, 2010 at 4:28pm
We travel a lot for dog shows so we usually hit Sonic since we can all be together. I will never leave Ashton in the car so I can eat inside so Sonic is right up my alley! We usually get him a cup of ice which he happily enjoys while we eat. No one has given us doggie treats at any of the Sonics we have been too.

Bank, espresso huts and the local feed stores usually give him treats.

I am always on the look out for pet friendly stops. Usually restaurants with outdoor seating will let you sit with your well behaved dogs. Hardware stores, feed stores, pet supply stores and a few mom and pop retail places seem to be friendly but other than that pet friendly places are few and far in between.

oooh, and don't forget the doggie ice cream dish you can get for free from Dairy Queen! :)
Comment by Stanley & Charlotte on September 18, 2010 at 3:56pm
We've taken Stanley a few times to the Sonic here (Orlando, FL) and they've never given us treats :( And we go for the Diet Cherry Limeade too! It's so refreshing :)

At a couple of Starbucks drive thrus, they've offered Stanley treats. From there he's gotten a couple of milk bones but one time they gave him a madeliene cookie and once they offered to give him a doggie latte (which is basically a sample cup with some whipped cream in it). But I passed on that. I thought it might give him a tummy ache.

We haven't been brave enough to take him to Lowe's yet, which I hear is dog friendly. Mostly because of all the times we've been in there, we've never seen a dog.
Comment by Heather and Ella on September 18, 2010 at 3:52pm
That's so cute! No where in my small MI town is pet friendly. Sometimes the bank drive-thru will have nasty stale dog biscuits, but they aren't allowed inside.
But we are moving to the greater Boston, MA area soon, and I know a lot of places out there are very pet friendly. Can't wait.

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