It's been almost 8 months since I had to say goodbye to my precious Cyber and it still rips me apart like it did the day he left me. I'm OK for the most part but there are still 'triggers' present that send me into a downward spiral. I've never had this kind of attachment with other pets I've had. There was something magical about Cyber that has emplanted itself into me and won't let go. I feel like he is still here. I walk into the back yard expecting him to jump out at me like he used to do. He would stalk me like prey and when he thought I wasn't looking, he would pounce.I really miss my little elf.

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Comment by Jane Christensen on February 19, 2010 at 1:45pm
The grief will get better and hopefully you will think good thoughts but you probably will always have the "triggers" that will bring tears to your eyes and they may be happy memories but that's ok...just think how much better it is to be so loved (both ways)than to have an empty life! My 1st Bella will be gone about 6 years and I still think of her often...usually just the good thoughts but some out of sadness due to the short time she was in my life!
Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on February 19, 2010 at 1:42pm
Hugs to you Paul, from me and Algy. I wish I had something more insightful to offer. :(
Comment by Sam Tsang on February 19, 2010 at 1:08pm
It is Okay to grieve Paul, your pictures speaks a thousand words, what you and Cyber shared was beautiful.
You're not alone, some of us have been down this road and it does get better in time. Thank you for writing and sharing Cyber with us. May God heal your broken heart.
Comment by Ashley and Copper on February 19, 2010 at 1:04pm
First off, I would like to say you are not crazy! It was a year on February 10th for me since I lost Pooh Bear. I still cry sometimes because I miss him so much. It's never going to "end" per say, it will just a get a bit easier. He was only four when I lost him. I went to work one day, everything was fine. We had just moved into a new place and my door to my bedroom didn't shut all the way. I was going to lock him in his crate but I never did that anymore unless he was really really bad. He was giving me the look like "You're already leaving me, don't lock me up too!" I didn't have the heart to lock him up so I rigged the door. That haunts me to this day. Had I just locked him up he would still be here. Somehow he got out and no one knows how. I couldn't find him for 5 terribly long, sleepless days and nights. After searching and calling and posting flyers everywhere, we found him hit by a snowmobile. I never got used to him not being there until about 10 months after he was gone. I got him when I was 16. He was all mine, all my responsibility. I took him everywhere I could with me and he was like my kid. I've heard parents talk about how they feel like something is missing if their kids are somewhere else for a little while. I felt like that all the time. I was sooooo used to him always being right behind me. I couldn't sleep well for two months because it felt so empty in my bed and my room without him. I would go to my mom's or my dad's and their animals would look for him. they still do. I feel your pain. I just got Cop (my newest corgi) about three months ago and although I'm learning to love again, it wasn't easy. HE didn't feel like he was mine at first. I felt like I would never love another thing like I loved Pooh again. I was torn apart. Most people laughed at me behind my back and said "He was just a dog." Yeah well that might be true for some people but that "dog" was my everything. It will fade away. You're at 8 months? Now is the time to start remembering all the good things. Start looking at pictures, if you have videos, watch them. I may sound crazy right now like why would you torture yourself but you can remember the good times. And honestly, Cyber probably is still around. I feel Pooh, too. I've had a couple dreams about him and I know he's still around. Or maybe he caught up with that damn squirrel that used to taunt him outside that he hated! :D Either way I know he's happy. I'm sure Cyber misses you just as much. After all, it sounds like what you had with Cyber, I had with Pooh. And believe me, I know for a fact exactly what kind of magical you are referring too! Hope this helped!
Comment by Libby and Dyddy!! on February 19, 2010 at 12:48pm
I don't think the grief ever ends. I believe it gets to a point where we can function without breaking down every 5 minutes without crying. I think the love they imprint upon always stays even after they leave, maybe as some tiny reminder to our kindred spirits that once were in heaven again, we can find one another. Hes looking down on you every day. As I cry for you while writing this, he knows how much he was loved.

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