KC is still pretty new to us, but she hasn't been eating as much as I'd like her to.
For one thing, whenever I put her food bowl down after filling it, both of our cats run over to inspect & try to steal. I have to intervene and literally guard her bowl from them! I'll stand nearby for a minute or two shooing the little thieves away until they skulk to a safe distance. Last night I caught my boy Walker eating her food while KC sat pouting nearby. I scooped Walker up and took him to "the cat room" (okay it's our office) and set him down in front of the CAT food & water to show him that THIS is your food.
Not only that, but KC will only eat if I stand right next to her. Sometimes I try to take sneaky baby steps away, which works, until she looks up and sees that Mommy is now in the living room instead of guarding her. She won't eat her breakfast, and generally only eats dinner when I'm guarding. Kind of annoying when I'm trying to cook my own dinner. Any suggestions? I love that she's sweet but she definitely needs to toughen up a bit.

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Comment by Beauty and the Beast on August 20, 2009 at 11:14am
Try to put something yummy in her food, like cottage cheese or cooked ground beef, or canned fish or even canned dog food. Something that is very smelly and that she likes a lot.
Shiro would not eat dry dog food for first month as well, so I had to add something. You add lees and less yummy with time and eventually she'll only eat her dog food.
Lock the cats out for her meal time to make sure there's no interruption. If she does not finish her food in 15 minutes, put it away till dinner.
It will take a while but it works, really.
Good luck!
Comment by christy fry on August 20, 2009 at 11:06am
my kitty lasher loved cody's puppy food =) there'd be all these covert operations so he could get the soft meaty bites out of it and poor cody had to always watch the kitty LOL then we got 2 and free feeding stopped. my moms dog whos 13 will not eat without her or someone hanging out with him either, I don't believe my mom's ever taken issue though because she eats her breakfast at the kitchen table (his foods in the kitchen) at the same time. some mornings if she 's late or not eating she just stands there.maybe you could feed her in a crate so she feels more secure

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