My curiousity got the better of me.
Awhile ago people were talking about how if you shave your dog, the fur will never come back right again, or that it takes forever. I noticed when my dog got shaved for her sterilization, it took almost 3 months.
So I've been toying around in my mind about doing an experiment, and today against my better sense, I went through with it.
I took about an inch and a half long lock off of the fur between her shoulders, the bit that goes up when she's riled, by pulling back all the fuzzy under coat and cutting just the long topcoat. Don't worry, she doesn't mind the scissors very much, I trim her butt hair all the time so she doesn't get messy.
So, today is Day 1 of Week 1. We'll see how long it takes for the coat to grow back.

I know, I am a cruel owner. :(

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Comment by Cassie and Jaunty on August 19, 2009 at 9:53pm
By the way, Jaunty's adult coat is just coming in, and he has a hunk of coat, just ahead of his pee pee that is growing in so he looks like a steer. I didn't think twice about scissoring that off for his first show, and he won Best Herding Group Puppy! (Just had to get that in!)
Comment by Cassie and Jaunty on August 19, 2009 at 9:39pm
I was a professional groomer for 15 years, and I always tried to discourage people from shaving down their double coated dogs. I had seen coats ruined by it, but I had also seen coats that you couldn't tell that they had ever been clipped. Didn't seem to be any set rule on who's (or what breed) coat would be ruined for life. You just couldn't tell until it was too late. A sheltie comes to mind, the owners were too lazy to do any brushing, and didn't like the shedding, so they had her shaved down (to about 1/4 in.) After that her coat was as wirey as a Airedale, and never came in right again. BUT, that is CLIPPING the UNDERCOAT. I have scissored guard hair(sometimes just a tiny bit for neatening) on just about every dog I've ever groomed with no lasting effect. So I really wouldn't consider scissoring a bit on your little girl, cruelty. But please, don't ever shave her undercoat! Just in case.
Comment by Bev Levy on August 19, 2009 at 8:42pm
That's funny! I always like to leave some food on my plate because we always had to clean our plate. It is funny how we assert our independence.
Comment by Sarah C. on August 19, 2009 at 8:21pm
No, my mom always bought those special ones and I had to keep them nice, with their original clothes on. >(
Comment by Bev Levy on August 19, 2009 at 8:19pm
Ha Ha, did you cut your doll"s ponytails too?

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