Favorite/least favorite dog breed

Surprise! Corgis are my favorites and they know it!!!

Pit bulls are not only the scariest most deadly breed but are also my least favorite. Also pretty much any dangerous "bully" breed. I live in San Antonio and you hear about pit bull deaths a lot. A couple days ago a 7 month old adorable baby boy was killed. Terrible tragic stuff. A 9 year old girl from our church was attacked a couple years back by a couple of pits that got loose from their owner and ripped half her face off going for the throat. The man that saved her got his arms chewed pretty bad in the process. She's ok now thank God but the emotional scars I'm sure won't go away.

Corgis may have attitude and can bite but I definately do not fear them going for my jugular or ripping another dog to shreds.

Also, you never hear about crazy killer golden retrievers or basset hounds. Pit bulls just scare me and I really think they shouldn't be in a home with children. I know we're taught it's not the dog but the owner and that seems fair and nice but after seeing the statistics I'm thinking it's the breed. Any thoughts or comments?


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Comment by Amanda on April 2, 2009 at 12:19pm
Apparently it's just the pit bulls in SA with the problem? lol! I used to agree with you all-up until about 3 days ago when that baby got ripped to shreds. We hear about pits killing people a lot in SA-the baby was the final straw for my sympathy for pits. Our neighbors across the street had a couple of them and refused to get a fence saying they listen and don't leave the yard and they're so darn nice. I guess that lasted until one night we were taking our dogs for a walk and guess who came charging across the street? Both pit bulls!! Talk about a scary moment. They were circling our dogs like sharks and we just stood perfectly still until the neighbor finally pulled them away. I was scared cause Daisy thinks she's tough and started lunging and growling (she didn't like their attitude) so I stomped my foot at the first one and told it to "get out of here!" and it then went straight toward Ein who was a little more reserved and that's when the other pit joined him circling around. I was so scared I thought my heart would explode! These are supposed to be nice dogs (according to the neighbors) but they did not approach us nicely that's for sure and I am positive if my dog had really attacked them in defense they would not hesistate to kill them and possible go for us. I've been to the dog park and most of the time it's the Bull Terriers starting the fights but I've seen boxers start them and a pit bull/chow mix once that even came to provoke a fight with my two dogs before it started one with a hyper lab. I mean this dog had to run clear across the park to get to us just so it could challenge my dogs. I've seen yappy little dogs that bite out of fear but the reason these little dogs aren't such a big deal is they aren't killing people. I found these stats online and thought they were very enlightening. While pits make only about 2% of the dog population they account for 1/3 of dog bite deaths. That's incredible! Also pits were found to be the most common urban breed to bite children. I haven't found evidence proving it's only the fault of the owner-although clearly sometimes it is. The pit was bred from the beginning to have killer instincts. To assume somehow just cause one seems nice one day means it's going to be nice the next if something sets off those instincts is ignoring those instincts. Corgis have instincts to herd and nip at heels, that's what they were bred for. Pits were bred to clamp their jaws around anothers dogs neck until it dies. I used to see it as you all do but when faced with the facts it's just not so simple. SA is thinking of banning pit bulls now. On one hand I agree-it's the only breed that kills people around here-more often than I would like to admit. On the other hand I can't fatham euthanizing all these dogs-it seems so unfair-SA does enough euthanizing already. I think many people would be surprised after doing a little research on this breed. They are the most dangerous breed of dog for a reason. They were bred to kill and that's what they're most known for even still. Sad but true. But it's nice to hear people are so compassionate for them even if they are the last on my favorites list. Bull terriors (the Budweiser dog) is my second least just because they seem very agressive to me as well and sorry I know boxers are supposed to be sweet and goofy but they're a little too overbearing and in your face for me. It's funny no one likes shnauzers. I've never really been around one so I can't say. I like Scotties-those giagantic square heads crack me up. Border Collies are great, bassets and beagles. That white poofy dog with the big head on the wet dog food commercials. Very cute. Pits are actually very cute too if you can overlook the bad rep.
Comment by Alice on April 1, 2009 at 8:13pm
I too would have to say that Pits as a breed are not aggressive killers. They are built in a way that makes them Good at fighting but this doesn't mean it's what they enjoy doing. The reason you hear of so many Pit Bull attacks i think is because they have the reputation of being tough thugs and therefore when a wanna be bad boy human is looking for a dog, what kind do they get... you got it, a Pit. They put chains and padlocks on them rather than a normal leash and collar and turn them into something to be feared. It's the people that turn the dog into a monster and it's the people that should be euthanized, not the dogs. I've known many sweet Pit Bulls that were loved family dogs and did well with children. One such dog got out of the back yard during a storm and when a neighbor saw it running down the street they called the police. The police came and when the dog saw the officers get out of the car the dog ran towards them (probably happy to find a person in the storm) and one of the officers shot her because he thought she was going to attach him, Even if that were the case, it wouldn't take 3 shots to stop her. Needless to say she was killed.

Anyway, on to happier things.
Favorite breeds: Corgi (Pem and Cardi), Australian Shep., Great Dane, Mastiff (all types), German Shep., Shiba Inu, Bernese Mountain Dog and most other large breeds.

Least favorites: Most small dogs such as Chihuahua, Poodles, Schnauzer, Chinese Crested, Pugs etc, and I am not a fan of Rottweilers, Old English Sheepdogs, Standard Poodles or most Terriers.
Comment by Susan Stanton on April 1, 2009 at 8:00pm
The only dogs that have ever attacked my corgi were two labs. Oh, and an unneutered Ridgeback. But my dogs play with a lot of labs, and Ethel's great pal is a big mush of a Ridgeback. So there you are; so much is in the owner, the upbringing, and a tad of the dog's own personality. I am wary of pitbulls, but largely because I am wary of their owners -- too many cruel people out there.
Comment by Sarah C. on April 1, 2009 at 7:12pm
Some of the best dogs I've ever met have been pits and rotties. Loyal, good with kids, wouldn't hurt a fly. A dog that is devoted can easily be exploited.
Yes, there are dangerous aggressive Labradors. My corgi's only skin breaking bite was by a lab/basset mix.
I've taken more bites myself off of shi-tzus, chihuahuas and small terriers.
Favorite dog, GSD
Least favorite, habanese. I just think they look stupid.

On bad reputations, with the people I talk to Corgis have a horrible reputation of being biters, barkers, and child intolerant.
Even the CDC says that in dog bites, owner responsibility is more important than breed.
Another thing to think of when evaluating the facts is that dogs that are popular are going to have an elevated bite instance, dogs that are larger and more powerful are going to have an elevated bite report instance (different than actual bites, you won't go to the doctor if your corgi gives you a little scratch, will you?), and bite reporting on strays, which is elevated because of disease fear, are going to have skewwed breeds. Not everyone knows a pitbull from a boxer from a mastiff from a... well you get the idea. I'm sure you know people to whom every black and tan is a rottweiler.
What is classified as a pitbull by the law? Perro de Presa Canario, Cane Corso, Dogo Argentino, Alano Espanol, Japanese Tosa, Dogue de Bordeaux, Cordoba Fighting Dog, Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, American Bulldog, Boxer, Valley Bulldog, Olde English Bulldogge, Renascence Bulldogge, and Banter Bulldogge... The laws and the books just say pit bull. Do you think a English bulldog is a pit bull? Or a Boxer? Or an American Bulldog? No? Well some people do. :)
Comment by Amy on April 1, 2009 at 6:09pm
I know what you mean about being attacked by a schnauzer. My son, my Maggie and I were attacked by a very vicous minature schnauzer that the city decided to destroy through court hearings. They found it a dangerous dog and the owner refused to obide by the dangerous dog laws. Because of that the city destroyed the dog. No one else needed to get hurt. So as you can see, any dog can be dangerous.

My favorite dog breeds are......corgi's of course and the french bulldog. I don't know why I like frenchies so much but I just find them really cute. I don't have one.....yet! LOL
My least favorite breed...........is the schnauzer of course no matter what size.
Comment by Amanda on April 1, 2009 at 6:08pm
Pitbulls definitely have a bad reputation but they're actually one of the sweetest and most well behaved breeds in the right hands. It definitly is the owner, not the dog or the breed. You hear more about pitbulls being aggressive because, as the previous post stated, they're more equipped for it. You can make any dog aggressive, pitbulls just have the right shape and are extremely strong. This is a very sensitive topic for me because I believe NO breed should be discriminated against just because of the damage that irresponsible owners do to their reputation, and the dogs themselves. I have a friend who has a pitbull, a poodle, and a chihuahua, and they're completely reversed. The pitbull acts like a giant lap dog and the chihuahua would be the first to bite you if you get too close. The moral of the story: we all have breeds that we love and those that we don't care for, but a breed, or even an individual dog's temperament is molded 99% by the owner and the way the dog is treated, not statistics of irresponsible people who want to train their big scary pitbull to fight. If I ever got another dog, it would either be a pitbull or an am. staff. Sure, the muscles in one cheek might be bigger than my entire head, but if all it wants to do with that mouth is lick me in the face then I'm fine with it.
Comment by Marion and Vern on April 1, 2009 at 5:43pm
Actually any breed of dog can be made into a killer. Some are better equipped through nature. It mainly depends on the person who is raising the animal. I have a friend who has a huge bit bull named Buddy. Buddy let's the chickens roost on him. He will also defend Amber the little girl with his life. He pulled a neighbors poodle off of her after it came into their backyard and attacked her. Needless to say the poodle was no more. But then the owner was a questionable type anyway..very mean and nasty to neighbors etc.

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