Who's corgi has the natural herding instinct and who's doesn't? Mine both do-Einstein more than Daisy. We never had to train them but they both will chase circles around us if we go running in the back yard. Einstein gets a crazy look in his eyes and starts this weird bark/growl while he chases our feet with his lazer like focus. He also nips heels and has been known to bite ankles. Daisy goes in circles barking VERY loudly the entire time and tends to stop right in front of you to make you stop moving. They're both bossy. Daisy is unfortunately afraid of barn animals-especially horses. Einstein is pretty fearless. He was once challenged by a sheep in a barn and he didn't back down at all. Actually they locked eye contact and the sheep was pawing the dirt and Ein was dead serious and his hair raised like he couldn't beleive the sheep would dare challenge him and he lunged and barked at it. I think he would have took off after it had there not been a barrier there. He was into it. Daisy couldn't get far enough away. But I wonder what she would do if it was just her and the sheep in the pen. I can't see her just rolling over and playing dead. I bet those instincts would click right in and she would be great. I know they can both do it-they do it to us all the time. It's pretty funny actually until one of those bites hits the skin. Ouch!

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