I just read The Private World of Tasha Tudor. She died recently-God rest her soul. Here's some of what she said about corgis in her book.

"There is no other dog that can compare to a corgi. They're the epitome of beauty............They're such characters-a mixture of a dog and a cat, I think. They especially don't like to be scolded in public. They talk back; they growl and show their teeth and pretend they're frightfully savage. However, they never criticize. You're always beautiful to them.............You should see my corgis at sunset in the snow. It's their finest hour. About five o'clock they glow like copper. Then they come in and lie in front of the fire like a string of sausages."

She said she's had up to 14 at a time and judging the the pictures of them they are very fat and spoiled. :) One of them was the sire to some of Queen Elizabeths corgis. I wonder who adopted them after she passed?

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Comment by Tina and Cooper on April 6, 2009 at 8:51pm
wow im a big fan of tasha tudors and had no idea she pased away,,:o( so sad,,her stories,,gardens ,,,spirit was so beautiful,,,,,,their is a web sight you can go to and even send e-mails and her family will answer you in person,,their all so sweet,,If you havent read one of her books or seen her illustration your really missing out ,What a sweet wonderful woman ~tina~ and Cooper
Comment by Amanda on April 4, 2009 at 8:39am
I've also read a couple of the corgiville books-she said Corgiville fair was her favorite. She's written I think it was 82 books. A crazy amount so if you're not into one I'm sure there's another you'll like. As for siring the Queen's corgis, the sire wasn't Tasha's dog at the time. He was retired from breeding and Tasha adopted him. According to the book, he sired all the Queen's corgis. What a task! :) Glad her son adopted her last corgi.
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on April 3, 2009 at 11:50pm
Her words are so true. I have seen her website, but haven't read any of the books. Are they good?
Comment by GoGoRainbow on April 3, 2009 at 8:57pm
coool, I hadn't even heard of her until now, oops!
Comment by Karen Stasky on April 3, 2009 at 5:44pm
just in case you hadn't, check out the "Coriville" books- and her version of "The Night Before Christmas" as well as a great many of her children's books-they can be a kind of "Where's the Corgi". corgis lost a great friend in Tasha-avery special lady
Comment by Sam Tsang on April 3, 2009 at 4:49pm
words of wisdom :) I still kick myself for missing the tour last year :( Her family still runs exhibits.

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