This is so, so important. In San Antonio alone 26,207 pets were euthanized just last year. Already this year 4,000 have been put down. 73% of the animals brought to the shelter last year were euthanized-many on the first day they arrived due to overcrowding. There is rampant overcrowding and San Antonio they are trying their best to control this problem. 100,000 animals a year would have to be spay/neutered to make this a kill free city by 2012. Due to the rally to get this job done last year more animals were fixed but not by enough. It was 21,230 animals in 2007 and it went up to 33,453 in 2008. Animals euthanized in 2007-32,210. Animals euthanized in 2008-26,207. So you can see the direct connection between animals nuetured and animals euthanized. About 5 years ago before the outrage over San Antonio being the #1 kill city in the US there were about 50,000 dogs and cats put down. So it has improved but we still need to do more. Spaying and neutering is clearly the answer. The pound took in 35,000 cats and dogs last year alone. Most of them never make it back out alive. Please consider this when you get a pet-not only adopting from a shelter but definately getting your pets fixed so there isn't as much over population and animals being euthanized.

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Comment by Nicola Porter on April 5, 2009 at 6:25pm

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