So, I made the appointment today. My sweet girl goes under the knife next Friday - for the record, the day I took Bear to be neutered I was beside myself all day. I think I went to pick him up like 30 minutes early because I just couldn't wait any longer.

This should be better, I have to work on Friday - pending no more snow days, so at least I'll be at work and distracted from worrying. The down side is that I leave for work at 6:30am, and she can't be dropped off until 8 - so my neighbor (the boxer's dad) is going to drop her off :( She'll do fine, I'll be a mess.

Bear did SO well after his neutering - and he and Goldy are exact opposites, so I'm preparing myself for the worst.

I love her vet and I'm sure she'll be fine.

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Comment by christy fry on February 19, 2010 at 11:30am
Teagen was spayed a few weeks ago also and did great!!! I opted to have her insicion done with a laser with an added cost of 20.00 but she healed within a week her stitches came out exactly 7 days later the vet also sent me home with rymadal (3 days worth) to make sure she was comfortable which made me happy because when my Mom had Landy spayed the vet didn't send her home with anything so that Landy wouldn't have a "False sense of well being" but I was gonna ask anyways and they just did it =)
Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on February 18, 2010 at 3:45pm
Good luck Goldy!! We understand the worry, and hope that everything goes smoothly. Rest up and stay cute!
Comment by Beth on February 17, 2010 at 9:18pm
It was very easy to keep Maddie quiet for about 3 days, and then it became increasingly difficult. I had to keep her penned or crated a good deal of the time because she wanted to run and jump and wrestle. I did take her for regular walks after a few days, but it wasn't enough exercise for her. It's harder for the girls than the boys! She'll be fine, but you'll probably have a trying couple weeks til the stitches come out.
Comment by Bev Levy on February 17, 2010 at 8:31pm
I am always a wreck when they have surgery too so you have my sympathy. Best of luck to Goldy.
Comment by Jane Christensen on February 17, 2010 at 6:54pm
I think we all worry much more than we need to! Maybe she'll do the opposite of what you expect and since her spaying is more complicated...she might be a little more quiet for a couple days! Good Luck to all of you and may Friday go by fast!

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