Well, all considered it went well, though as usual it takes one to ruin the experience.

When we got there, she was submissive and all sorts of " I don't know whats going on". After a bit she decided it was fun to play, of course picks a boxer/pit bull puppy to play with which more or less used her as an over sized soccer ball. She held her own though and played nice the whole time. Didn't even nip just sort of mouthed the dog which was impressive to say the least.

She ran her self ragged, the usual tongue out and whole bit. Went potty a few times so I was pleased with this. She is still getting used to the faster big dogs and a few times got rolled over but nothing serious other then a hurt pride. One Golden mix took a frontward flip due to her, just smiled and thought to myself that she is truly a tripping hazard.


Some dog owner decided it would be a good idea to bring a rather aggressive dog in to the park, almost got in to it with another owner there. Jazmin did something I've never suspected, she stood in between another dog and the aggressive one, it was a growl that even made me step back a bit but defused the issue rather quickly, she is usually the submissive one.


She is all floppy now and panting tired out, she prob. will sleep which is a good thing. I'm happy for that actually.


Well, hopefully will see you'll around or you can catch me on the chat box...

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Comment by Don on March 9, 2011 at 6:18am

Yah, sadly there is nothing that we could do about it. Even after advising him that his dog was causing a disturbance it really didn't matter much to him. Since he had 2 dogs the other one of his dogs was scary submissive it was obvious that he had some serious issues at home.

Other then that Jazmin displayed all the proper meet and greet as well as play bow signals to the other dogs. I was so proud of her, hopefully next time can remember the camera.

Comment by Cindi & Twinkie on March 9, 2011 at 5:34am
We have started to take our guys into the part of the park designed for 25lbs and under.  Both of my girls are certainly heavier than that but they both get so stressed out as the bigger dogs descend on them.  I have seen same situation with the one aggressive dog that ruins everyone's time and its such a bummer.  Everyone wishes their dog was a good citizen but some are just not cut out for the park.
Comment by Nicole and Kiba on March 8, 2011 at 6:40pm
Haha! If a dog starts being mean to another dog at the dog park here, Kiba will be right over there barking and telling the mean dog off. Then once the mean dog backs off, Kiba will walk away with this look of "Yeah! I just did that! I'm awesome!" lol. Everyone at my dog park loves Kiba and finds it so amusing that even though he is short, he isn't scared of any dogs...even when they are being aggressive or snap at him. Corgis are giant dogs in little dog bodies.
Comment by Nicola Porter on March 8, 2011 at 4:28pm
You have a very pretty corg Don, so adorable.

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