Don's Blog (13)

New Updates....

I've been gone a while, a long here is the short long of it.

Tala- She grew up, grew up fast and hard in a working house hold. Around 4K worth of plaster, dry wall and stud's later I'd worked out she was miserable. So the adoption process began, she found a great home with 7 kids on a rather large farm. I do visit that crazy mutt from time to time, amazing she still remembers me (the inseparable bond that is).


Jazmin- She also is 5 now, no longer the small…


Added by Don on May 22, 2014 at 1:15pm — No Comments

And then there were 2


Sorry been gone a good while, been busy with a 10 week old fur ball. It's not a corgi so don't know whom will reply if any however the good news.

Jazmin and Tala ( The new puppy) get along beautifully, actually better then I'd ever dreamed of. I think Jazmin has taken on the puppy as her own. They spend endless hours chewing on each other and of course is the transitive learning as well . Jazmin loves the interaction and the play only as a dog can provide, finally I've a…


Added by Don on May 9, 2011 at 7:13am — 10 Comments

Crazy times ahead....

Well, I figure I'll get it out now... ever moving, ever changing motion some would say.

I'm currently working on rehoming my one dog...thankfully I've found a rescue organization that is no kill and will take her.

She is a good dog and really the only issue I do have with her is she is highly food agressive and attention agressive. Jazmin won't eat now unless one of the family is downstairs because of this, and its sad because even in their crates seporated all…


Added by Don on April 3, 2011 at 12:23am — 3 Comments

April Fools Vet Trip.....

This is so classic for a Corgi reminder of life.

I went to bed, after work and a rather long day of the usual crazyness. Why oh why did I ever assume that nothing would happen, heck its only April Fools after all.

Alright, Here it is...

I was rustled awake at around four p.m. ( only 5 hours of sleep) by my brother, he had said that there was a problem and ploped Jazmin on my bed, at first I didn't notice as I check for the usual major issues ( blood, broken bones,…


Added by Don on April 2, 2011 at 1:24am — 11 Comments

My Corgi Turned Bright Purple....

Its the weirdest thing, she was all happy and playing like usual. And when I woke up...purple.

Not that I mind purple that is, its actually almost a lovely shade of lilac where the white was, so just a minor adjustement will be needed.

Well, I can say her color now matches the name very well, and who knows...the purple Corgi might just be all the rage soon.


And in times like this...

Don't cha wish your corgi was purple like mine..

Don't cha wish your…


Added by Don on April 1, 2011 at 5:51am — 3 Comments

How to use my tax return??

Hum, Lets see here....

I could buy some fancy electronic gadget...that would be outdated in 6 months...

I could buy some expensive clothing....... that would be corgi'fied in a few days...

I could buy some more doggie toys......that would sit in her box for a few months.

I could buy some school supplies........that would be piled in the stack of yet unused supplies..

I could buy another firearm...................that I couldn't ever get a chance to use as…


Added by Don on March 30, 2011 at 4:17am — 2 Comments

Post Pet Expo Report

As for pictures, I don't have any...but don't fret I will soon.

2 days of running, both times anywhere from 4 to 6 hour spans.

Jazmin came out with a ton of new friends, learned a few new tricks, and made out well.

Lets start with the free stuff

6 new tennis balls, 4 of which are AirKong balls

1 new dog doy

2  Mardi gras beads which she proudly wore through the show.

2 frisbee's which aren't the highest quality.

Way, Way more…


Added by Don on March 19, 2011 at 5:57pm — 3 Comments

Jazmin at dog part...attempt 2

So, things I've learned thus far.

She horribly needs recall training, yes my little girl has the wanderlust of a kid in a candy factory. I know how to fix this, just 40 degree tempetures are not the time to be out and about for an unknown time.

She needs to learn legs are not a ramp to getting petted, I know people at the dog park don't help this issue, in fact they encourage this rather not so nice behavior. She needs some serious work on this matter.

Playing with other…


Added by Don on March 13, 2011 at 1:21am — No Comments

Nail Grinder for Dog.


Maybe I'm spoiling my dog a bit much, but....

I've found a professional nail grinder with foot pedal, I know it would be easier to control and since I've 2 dogs the investment would be worth it I do believe. Now my question is how functional is it to obtain the bits and such required.

I know that Jazmin has not many issues with it as we had her nails done at Petsmart without too much fighting. But would it be worth it...and besides that could use it for my own…


Added by Don on March 9, 2011 at 5:40am — 2 Comments

First Time at Dog Park.

Well, all considered it went well, though as usual it takes one to ruin the experience.

When we got there, she was submissive and all sorts of " I don't know whats going on". After a bit she decided it was fun to play, of course picks a boxer/pit bull puppy to play with which more or less used her as an over sized soccer ball. She held her own though and played nice the whole time. Didn't even nip just sort of mouthed the dog which was impressive to say the least.

She ran her…


Added by Don on March 8, 2011 at 4:12pm — 4 Comments

Does Anyone Use Chat?

Just wondering, if anyone would like to chat then I'm on usually at night. Well if you do let me know...I'm usually on at night so feel free to jump on in and say hi.

I can't promise and enguaging and interesting conversation all the time but more then happy to answer any questions or offer advice if you wish.

Added by Don on March 8, 2011 at 2:07am — 5 Comments

Corgi's Walked and the world is at peace.

This blog post is random as it can be....

But the dog is walked, she is now eating/drinking normally...sitting here jamm'in to tunes listening to Black Eyed Peas- I gotta feeling. Wishing I had a place to spin some tunes but guess my DJ'in is no longer an option at my age. Realizing that what I've got is just shy a perfect life really.

I mean it could be better, but why focus on the bad things when there are so many positive things in my life that are…


Added by Don on March 7, 2011 at 2:12pm — No Comments

Jazmin's First Vet Appointment

Today is the day, finally get to have a clean bill of health for the state of VA.

I made the appointment Tuesday, those corgi ears must have been working overtime. Went looking for her paperwork, I found a peice of the folder and some random other pieces of what's left of it, that brat must have over heard the coversation and said " I'll get him good, just chew up the paperwork, shot records and AKC Certificate then he can't take me"....

Anyways I confirmed that she is going…


Added by Don on March 2, 2011 at 3:31am — 1 Comment

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