Hum, Lets see here....

I could buy some fancy electronic gadget...that would be outdated in 6 months...

I could buy some expensive clothing....... that would be corgi'fied in a few days...

I could buy some more doggie toys......that would sit in her box for a few months.

I could buy some school supplies........that would be piled in the stack of yet unused supplies..

I could buy another firearm...................that I couldn't ever get a chance to use as I've no where to hunt.

I could buy some camping stuff...........but I really don't need any more clutter.

I could save it....but what fun is there in that.

Or, I could look in to picking up a four legged friend for Jazmin..Yah somehow that sounds right.

I'm looking in to a breed that is most definetly not normal, as a novice trainer I'm ready to put my training abilities to a test. I've found a breed called a NAID or Native American Indian Dog. They look like wolves, have all the best qualities of the breed, will more then likely offer a mental challange to Jazmin and should be fun to train.

This though would be a trip to MI if it all pans out, so whom is local that I could possibly stay with on my way up there? I'm open to sugguestions or offers, if none then I'll look to stay at a campsite/motel if needed.

Sadly I will only be able to tell you storys of Jazmin as she won't be making the trip with, its a 10 hour trip from where I am and will take me on the outskirts of Ohio and some of MI. I'll have a good friend making the trip with me and is secondary care provider to Jazmin pup ( no worries, Jazzy pup likes him so he is good people).

So, please chime in... Insanity in a moments notice or some logic in this little head of mine?

If anyone has had experience with this breed ( good or bad both) or may know somone with them, I'd be happy to hear about it.

Thank You,


Don and Crew.

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Comment by Don on March 30, 2011 at 9:22am

They are a Mid Level activity breed dog, really not much more then Jazmin currently which surprised me...most dogs of this size are high level activity.

As for temperament and such am calling the breeder to get the low down on that one. I do internet and horses mouth per say both. :)
I believe in do your homework once, double check it, then re-read it again to be sure.

Comment by Bev Levy on March 30, 2011 at 8:41am
Sorry to sound so much like "the mom" but I must. Be sure you have researched the needs of this dog very well and are ready to make the long term commitment needed. For example, when my son wanted a dog his choice was a doberman. He loved their athletic look and as a World War II buff, their connection as war dogs. Enter a beautiful doberman puppy with the exercise needs of a world class athlete into the life of a young man with a full time job and whose favorite pastime is computer games. Hmmm,result a dog with a lot of issues. So just be careful that you can meet this unusual dog's needs before making the leap. It turned out OK for Misty because she lives with us now and I am retired and love long walks but it doesn't always turn out that way. Plus vet bills for two dogs are double the cost of one. Good luck on your decision.

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