This is so classic for a Corgi reminder of life.

I went to bed, after work and a rather long day of the usual crazyness. Why oh why did I ever assume that nothing would happen, heck its only April Fools after all.

Alright, Here it is...

I was rustled awake at around four p.m. ( only 5 hours of sleep) by my brother, he had said that there was a problem and ploped Jazmin on my bed, at first I didn't notice as I check for the usual major issues ( blood, broken bones, limping and yelping). I noticed a chew bone around the bottom of her jaw, it was one of those circular chew bones that you can get, ya know with the holes in the middle. It was wrapped fully around her bottom jaw and her front canines had locked it in place.

So, off to the vets we go... I get to Banfield, two rather exuberant dog owners wouldn't move out of my way with a very, very unhappy dog scratching and wiggling due to the chew bone around the bottom of her jaw. They were too busy taking up unecessary space yapping about nothing really important ( yes, I hate people that isle lounge unless there is a necessary reason or your out of the way of traffic).

The vet assistant was nice, she ushered us in to a room rather quickly. About 5 min later two vet tech's came in and Jazmin dissapeared. The doctor followed in to the room a minitute or two later informing me that Jazmin would have to be put under to remove the bone. I agreeded without any issues and off my brother and I went to eat something as we were both hungry. They were going to call me when she was finished so I left my phone number at the front desk.

We went to Wendy's to grab some Lunch/Dinner, waited eagerly for a phone call either way. I guess it was about 30 min and the phone rang. They informed me that the chew bone was removed and she would be ready to go in about an hour.

So an expensive bill later the pup is happy again. As a bonus though a rescue group did show up at Petsmart so she got lots of post trauma pettings and treats galore. She even managed to get my brother to buy her a bag of chew stick treats due to the incident.

Anyways, she is home now and on pain medication and some special mouth wash stuff. I most def. did go thru her treat boxes and remove any possible treats that may cause issues.



Don and Crew

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Comment by Jen on April 2, 2011 at 9:17pm
Ginger had that happen with one of the Kong's with a big hole in the bottom.  I freaked out!  She was whining and drooling all over the place.  It was too thick for me to cut off but after some wiggling and pure luck I managed to get it off her jaw.  It promptly went into the trash.
Comment by Kassi Hawkins on April 2, 2011 at 12:30pm
So happy everything worked out!
Comment by Jennifer Markley on April 2, 2011 at 12:26pm
Glad she's OK...although it's kinda funny to imagine.  My husky mix stepped on a baby bed part one time and got it stuck in her paw.  She's dragging around one of my kids' dolls bed ends....couldn't get it off.  Called my dad, same thing.  It was on there TIGHT.  Ended up calling my husband at the fire station, who brings the truck over with 3 other firemen, still no luck.  Off to the vet we go, with me riding in the back holding her paw/baby bed attachment.  They too, couldn't get it off without sedation.  Shew....I feel for you!!
Comment by Mystic on April 2, 2011 at 11:57am
Poor Jazmin. Glad to hear that she is ok and your brother was around to bring this to your attention when she needed most, can you imagine?  Hope you got more sleep especailly after the day you had.  So good to hear the end results....all is better!  Kudos to the proud Corgi lover and their precious moments.  Sorry about to hear about the expensive bill, ugh!
Comment by Michelle on April 2, 2011 at 9:52am

Silly girl!  No more rawhide doughnuts for Jazzie!!!  ^,,^

Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on April 2, 2011 at 9:21am
o no! thats one way to wake up lol im glad she is ok now:)
Comment by Bev Levy on April 2, 2011 at 8:28am
So glad it turned out well. I used to call Sparty Calamity John because of the scrapes he got into. Sounds like you have a Calamity Jane!
Comment by Don on April 2, 2011 at 5:04am

No worries if you laugh, I had to as well...
She gave me a look of " OMG, I'm so in trouble.."

Then she tried to lick me...well the issue with that is her tounge was pinned down by the looked so pittiful with the wiggle butt and that " I wanna lick you happy I am" followed by a dissapointed stare because she couldn't give anyone Corgi kisses.

Comment by The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein on April 2, 2011 at 3:50am
It's sad, but I'm picturing it my head and trying not to laugh. Poor girl. Glad she's doing ok.
Comment by Comanche Flame on April 2, 2011 at 3:29am
I am so sorry give the baby a hug from me.

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