Hi everyone!


I just set up my 9-10 month corgi up for a special surgery cause he has crytorchidism to get fixed on Monday, April 25th.

I'm extremely nervous, since I was told it was more of an exploratory surgery to find his one testicle. Since they don't exactly know which area of his body it'll be in.


Can anyone help ease my anxiety? Is it a safe surgery? Do you know if my corgi will feel okay after the surgery? Is there any advise I should take?


Thanks everybody!


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Comment by Elizabeth on April 25, 2011 at 8:15am

Dewi got his stitches out last Thursday and is as good as new. :) Take a deep breath and follow all the doctor's advice.

In addition to pain meds, we got a 10-day course of antibiotics for Dewi when he came home (to prevent infection). (So, if you get them too, know it's routine - and use them.)  I crush the pills and mix with a little canned food.  

Comment by Michelle Lo on April 25, 2011 at 12:45am

Thank you for all your comments everybody!

It really eased my anxiety...tomorrow is the big day for him so hopefully my pup will be up and running soon (minus doing lots of jumping/bounding around activity for a while)

Comment by Christan Fry on April 21, 2011 at 8:10pm

It is usually a safe surgery.  I worked with a wonderful vet for awhile and it was never a big deal.  Some dogs do whine a lot after surgery, but that is just them coming off of anesthesia, it has nothing to do with being in pain.  The vet should give pain medication before the dog wakes up so yes they will be sore later, but are not hurting a great deal


Comment by Elizabeth on April 19, 2011 at 10:30pm

Dewi just had the surgery 11 days ago and he's just great. He was sore at first, and needed pain meds to help for the first 36 hours. After that, he was good to go - in a soft cone.

Good luck to you and your boy.

Comment by Jenna, Jasper and Cersei on April 19, 2011 at 10:00pm
Jasper was a cryptorchid and I was worried about it too. Luckily Jasper's testical was right in the groin area so they didn't have to really search for it. When the vet explained that a cryptorchid surgery is similar to a spay (as far as the complication level), I felt a lot better about it. I mean, vets perform spays every day, right?! :) I guess it just made me feel less like it was some weird intense surgery and more like a normal, routine operation. Jasper was fine afterward, a little sore and groggy the first day or two but otherwise okay.
Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on April 19, 2011 at 9:22pm
Frank was a cryptorchid too. He had 2 incisions for his neuter. He got really lucky because once he was medicated the vet was able to feel around and find the other testicle in his groin area and the surgery only took about 10 or 15 minutes. He showed NO pain after the surgery and went right home and tried to chase the cat. It just depends on how far they have to go to find the other one. If they go in the abdomen, then it will be like a spay and probably take about 2 days to recover. They are tough little dogs and seem to do well. Be sure to use a cone to keep him from licking his incisions and give the pain meds the doctor prescribes for the first few days and he should be fine
Comment by Jane on April 19, 2011 at 7:45pm
Henry was a cryptorchid as well. I guess the testicle was waaay up there and the vet had a hard time finding it, so he had quite a good sized incision. He whimpered and cried for the afternoon but seemed fine after that. Definitely a bit sore for a while. We got him one of those comfy cones so he didn't have to wear that giant plastic cone at night.
Comment by Jane Christensen on April 19, 2011 at 7:03pm
I know of 2 dogs that have had the same surgery in the last 3 weeks and he will have 2 incisions. the one they found easily and was really no different than a regular neuter. The second may have had to be explored a little more but the owner is on here and i'm sure she will reply! With any surgery they will be sore and it depends where they find the 2nd testicle.I'm sure he will be on pain meds and a little groggy but my guess is you will be trying to find ways to keep him from doing too much. Good luck but I do think it's harder on us than them:) Yes, the surgery is as safe as any surgery. I was with my girlfriend when they called her to ask permission since they had to do more and her vet recommended the surgery. They bounce back fast.

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