Corgi Pet Insurance Recommendations?



I have a corgi puppy that is about to turn a year old and he is also my first dog.

I'm thinking about getting pet health insurance for him but am not sure how to start or which one to take. Since when I googled it there were so many options I got a little overwhelmed.

Plus, I have been told my some that it is not necessary for pet insurance until they are much older, but am not really sure what to do here.


Anyone have advice for me please?

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Comment by Sebastian on July 8, 2012 at 7:56pm

PetPlan seems to be pretty fair and they have a calculator so you can see your monthly premium. They also cover congenial problems also. If you get the 8k or 9k puppy plan with 80% reimbursement the monthly premium is about $30

Comment by John Wolff on June 18, 2011 at 2:13am

Single-Payer Pet Health Care Now!


Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on June 17, 2011 at 10:52pm
I have talked to some owners who have this. It seems like most people say its better to put money away that monthly payment would be for the insurance. The pet insurance that I was really interested in was petsbest. I would he $42 a month and would cover everything. Even hereditary issues. But here is the catch, when u go to the vet u do have to our of pocket that day and u can't file a claim for 14days(this is for most. Pet insurance ). They give u 80% of your money back but took a few weeks. So if an emergency happens but u have no money at the time, even though u have insurance u cant use that to instead of paying $42 a month to them u might as well put it in a piggy bank or where ever so it an emergency happens u can pay for it right there. Or like others have said, get a credit card. Some of these insurance's have a lot of hidden things in their policys. So if u still want it. Do all the research u can about each company. I have learned petsbest is the best so far BUT find out what will be best for u
Comment by Jane on June 17, 2011 at 9:52pm
Another thing you could consider in case of an emergency is a CareCredit card. I believe they give you 6 months to pay off veterinary bills with no interest. You may want to check to make sure your vet accepts it though.
Comment by Stephanie on June 17, 2011 at 8:32pm

My advice is always this:  get a credit card, put it with your doggy stuff (vet records, etc) - don't ever use it for anything except vet/puppy emergencies.


I've had one since I got Bear two years ago - it's got a $3000 credit line, so I'm covered if we have any "incidents" - I've only had to use it once - Bear swallowed a sock, whole, right in front of me, it was screaming blockage so off we went to the ER vet.  It gives me peace of mind to know that I have it, and that if something should happen with my furbabies I don't have to debate whether or not I can afford to get them taken care of.

Comment by Aj on June 17, 2011 at 7:48pm

Hi, you might want to check this link out:

There, are many discussions on insurance.  Some people say it's worth it and some say they would rather put the money in a savings account.  I hope it won't overwhelm you but hopefully you'll get the information you're looking for. :) 

Comment by Jane on June 17, 2011 at 7:31pm

You might consider just putting the money you would be paying to the insurance into a savings account instead.

If you do go the insurance route make sure you read the fine print very carefully, most of them are very particular about what exactly they will and will not cover.

Comment by Mickey on June 17, 2011 at 4:56pm
Oh my...what a beautiful corgi Yuki is!! Might I ask where you got her? She reminds me of my Sophie at that age. Here's my advice after 14years of Sophie in my life. Get insurance just never know. If I knew then what I know now, I would've gotten insurance at the start. Each time you go in for something that might be unexpected, you will say "I wish I had insurance and might've saved $200 dollars"...if you wait and something recurring happens that you need to address (like allergies), you then have a pre-condition and it won't be covered. Better safe than sorry - it'll be worth it in the long run. Congratulations on your corgi - they are truly joyful creatures...June

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