I'm really curious...Annie is 7months old and I want to know how much food everyone else feeds their corgi that is around that age.. also how many times a day and the amount they give them.

*I just don't want to have a fat corgi! haha.

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Comment by Mary on May 9, 2010 at 11:13pm
Haha, that's funny. I was the same way when Nibbler was growing, I wanted her to be healthy but not fat! She is fully grown now, a bit over a year old, and she weighs 25 pounds. Around 7 months I believe she was getting a full 3/4 of a cup of Blue Buffalo Puppy, twice a day. Now she gets just under 2/3 of a cup at each meal and she is eating Evo. We have always fed her just under the recommended amount on her bag of food because we've heard corgi's don't need to eat quite as much. I would check on your dog food bag how much is recommended at her weight and age, and start at the smaller amount listed. Keep checking her to make sure her waist nips in slightly, or make sure you can feel her ribs. If you feel her getting a little plump you can adjust accordingly, and since she is still growing a little it won't be as hard to keep her weight in check. Good luck!
Comment by Beth on May 9, 2010 at 10:41pm
At her age she should probably be getting about 1.25 to 1.5 cups a day, divided into two feedings. When she reaches somewhere over a year old, she will need a bit less. Most Corgis get anywhere from 2/3 of a cup to 1.5 cups per day, depending on the individual dog and its activity level. I'd say one cup is the average amount for an adult.
Comment by Jeremy, Ashley, and Addy-Bell on May 9, 2010 at 9:49pm
It can depend on the type of food. The first food I got for my Addy-Bell was a commonly available brand from Walmart - complete with the requisite artificial colors and other junk. I followed the bag's instructions and only gave her about a cup per day - 1/2 cup twice a day.

The food I currently give her, which is a healthier, more natural brand from the feed store, reccomends 1 1/2 cups per day, or 1/2 cup three times a day. I suspect we can give her more of this healthier food because it doesn't have so much junk in it, more nutrients and less calories, but thats only a theory and I haven't researched it, so don't quote me on that. She also gets plenty of treats and table scraps. Addy is not overweight, and seems healthy, so I think her food allotments have worked out well.

The key is finding a good, healthy food for your Corgi. Look for something that has a meat product (not a meat by-product) as the first ingredient, and a meat OR meat by-product as the second. I reccomend Diamond as a brand - they have a natural puppy food, and a "Diamond Naturals" food for adult dogs that Addy will probably switch to the next time we buy her food. If you find your Corgi good quality food, I believe its ok to give them a little more in quantity - but there again, I'm no expert, and I'm only speaking from my experience with my one and only Corgi. If Annie starts to gain too much weight from how much you give her, cut her back a bit - or better yet, see that she gets more excersize.
Comment by Ginny and Diggory on May 9, 2010 at 8:09pm
Ginny gets 1/2 cup twice a day (plus some healthy treats here and there). She eats Blue Buffalo. You can gauge her body shape to tell if she is at a proper weight. She should have a waist that tapers a bit right behind her ribcage, and you should be able to feel her ribs if you rub your hands over her ribcage but you shouldn't be able to see them. Based on your corgi's metabolism and activity level you might need to adjust.
Comment by Jane Christensen on May 9, 2010 at 8:01pm
It depends on the food and calories and the range can mean a difference of many calories. My Corgis get a handful 3 x's per day of Canidae and I get compliments on what good shape they are in. Annie is still growing and yes, you want to not overfeed her but she needs enough also!
Comment by Patricia A Columbo on May 9, 2010 at 7:52pm
I think our two babies look alike... Tootsie is a year old and I've been feeding her 1/2 cup twice a day (kibble, chicken, rice....). She is 18 pounds and looks great. I don't want a fat Corgi either so, so far, so good...

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