What types of toys, brushes, crate ect., do you recomend for corgis?

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Comment by Carrie Meeks on June 4, 2014 at 3:52pm


Comment by Jane Christensen on June 3, 2014 at 11:04pm

I like a rubber mitt for brushing but when you dog gets older a furminator is best for when they blow their coat! I love Kongs and the small rubber Chuck it balls. Rope toys and sturdy rubber toys are a must also. Enjoy!!!!

Comment by Denis J. on June 3, 2014 at 9:34am

Many are recommending the Furminator and swears by them.   I've bought one but I've never had Wally used to it so he doesn't like it.   I removes fur like crazy but I find it creates a lots of static and the fur is kindda hard to get off your hand, fingers and off the actual brush sometimes.

I use those Rectangular Pad brushes with 100s of steel bristles.     I go slow and I find that for Wally's fur it easily untangle small knots in the back of his ear (long hair) and it stays on the brush easy.    Having a "horse hair" brush it not a bad idea as well as it apparently helps to make their coat shine and remove dust and small debrie.


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