Getting REALLY Pissed at Puppy Pad Routine

Ok so I am in serious economical budget cuts and Caesar picked up the worst time to be a brat. His new thing is to destroy puppy pads. Now the dog plays scavenger hunt everyday, has a gazillion toys but no.... his thing is to destroy the puppy pad and then pee wherever the puppy pad was before. Love him.... trying not to kill him now. I literally just changed his pad, grabbed a bite and came back to find it in pieces. So now he's grounded.

Just needed to vent....

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Comment by Gus's Dad on January 11, 2009 at 1:11pm
I just picked up a Premium Pad Training Tray at PetSmart:

It's a two piece tray with a top frame that folds up and lets you clamp the pee pad in place. I'll give an update when I see how this works.
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on January 11, 2009 at 9:30am
Natalie, that is the one reason I had Duncan trained on the pad also. I work 12 hours shifts, opposite of my husband, who sleeps all day. Sometimes, my husband doesn't hear Duncan whining to go out. This way, I know he has a way to do his business and not make a mess in the house. It also has come in REAL handy, when Duncan has had the runs, saved me a real messy cleanup. The only mess Duncan has ever done was once when I didn't put his pad right in the exact spot where it was suppose to be, and the other time, I was took up the old pad to put down a fresh one. The good thing, he went right in those spots where the pad would have been. and both of these were when he was under a year old.
Comment by Gus's Dad on January 10, 2009 at 1:12pm
Gus started something new today. Twice he's dragged his pee pad into his crate. Once he had already used the pad.

He's obviously getting bored when I'm not around or asleep. I'm going to have to come up with something to really tire him about before I leave the house.
Comment by Dragster and Bailee on January 9, 2009 at 4:40pm
Maybe set back and secretly watch him about to destroy it and then come out and firmly say "NO" and maybe a little swat, not too hard might do the trick. Corgi's are so smart, with Dragster all i have to do is tell him NO and he knows its time to stop. Goodluck!
Comment by Sondra on January 9, 2009 at 2:48pm
oh yeah, been there too.. we have a small back yard with one corner set up for Corie's bath room.
I installed a doggie door, had to push her thur a few times with treats on the other side. She was 6mo
before I got her house broke (I know.. my fault)...
Comment by Caesar & Molly on January 9, 2009 at 2:14pm
Cheetah, the reason why I use puppy pads is because I live in an apartment complex so I can't let him go outside on his own. I could crate him and teach him to hold it until lunch break or until I get home but the more I thought about it the more I believe it would be uncomfortable for him. So the puppy pad is a good solution when I am not at home. Well.... it was until he thought it was the coolest toy ever
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on January 9, 2009 at 11:53am
I've must of been one of the lucky ones. Duncan never played with or tore up his piddle pads.
Comment by Shippo & Koga Corgis on January 8, 2009 at 11:47pm
This is why I don't use puppy pads lol (well one reason anyway). Is there a reason you're going this route instead of just training him to potty outside?
Comment by Heidi Robson on January 8, 2009 at 6:33pm
Daisy just started destroying her pads today. She runs around the house with it in her mouth shaking it like crazy!
Comment by Gus's Dad on January 8, 2009 at 6:26pm
I'm right there with you. Gus has been pretty good so far but still he will occasionally get bored and tear up one of his pads.

I've had him less than two weeks now and I haven't left him alone for more than a few hours yet. I've been coming home at lunch to let him out of his pen and give him a little play time. Unfortunately I work far enough away that I can't keep that up indefinitely. I'm afraid that when I start leaving him alone all day he'll amuse himself by shredding puppy pads.

I'm thinking about get an outside dog pen from Lowe's and leaving him in that while I'm at work.

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