My husband is totally against giving the dog any table food. Lately, I've been giving Max our leftovers or what falls on the floor. I just don't like to see if go to waste. Does anyone think this is a bad idea? He's already starting to not eat his food so i don't give him a lot of table food. I'm just looking for some opinions.

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Comment by Max the doggie on December 4, 2009 at 3:09pm
Thanks for the tips. He does still eat his dog biscuits. I will try to only give him healthy foods but he just loves to sit and stare at me while I eat a snack at the computer. But he does also steal food from the table when my son eats in the living room so he's been in a lot of trouble for that but if he goes long enough without people food he'll eventually eat his own.
Comment by Matt & Hilliary on December 1, 2009 at 2:27pm
Honestly if he's not eating his own food, you should probably cut back or even stop completely giving scraps. We give Oppy some every now and then, but then again he devours ANYTHING that's food (if he could, he'd eat himself sick). Some is fine as long as it's not affecting their behavior (begging, refusing to eat own food, etc).
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on December 1, 2009 at 2:04pm
I save all meat leftovers and give it to Shiro instead of his regular meals. He's used to it, so it doesn't affect his stool. I guess if you just substitute his kibble with it instead of adding to it he won't gain weight.
Do not give your dog any grain, like bread, corn, etc. Potatoes are OK but not too much. The biggest part of his fiid should be meat.
Comment by Sky and Lyla on December 1, 2009 at 10:18am
I give both of my dogs table food quite frequently. A lot of times if I'm making something with hamburger meat or chicken, or with a lot of veggies, I'll toss some down for them while I'm cooking. I'll give them leftovers sometimes too if it's not anything that will hurt their tummies, or I'll just rinse all the spices/sauces off. I do, however, make sure to cut back their kibble appropriately if I feed them something else. I personally believe that feeding them some people food is more healthy than their kibble, even if it's a really good kibble, as long as you give them the right kind of people food and not candy and potato chips. If nothing else, it adds a bit of variety to their diet which is happy for their taste buds. My guys favorite thing, which is probably the most unhealthy thing I give them, is Mac and Cheese. They just love it so much I can't resist! =)
Comment by Beth on December 1, 2009 at 6:57am
I'd just be careful, since Corgis put on weight in a hurry. The other thing is most Corgis get somewhere in the neighborhood of 300-400 calories/day to maintain good weight, so if a good portion of that is coming from, say, some gravy that was on your meet, will they get enough good food to have proper nutrition? If you are giving bits of lean meat and some veggies then that's probably ok. Fat is calorie-dense but not nutrient-dense, so if you're choosy in what you give it's fine but if you give the wrong scraps, you could end up with a fat but malnourished dog.
Comment by Potus on December 1, 2009 at 4:55am
I feed Potus food I eat tht is dog appropriate (for example roast chicken, or vegetables) but this is added to his food when I put the bowl down. My great grandfather used to feed his Corgi, Napoleon, left overs all the time. He'd share his breakfast of toast and cup of tea with Napoleon :)
Comment by christy fry on December 1, 2009 at 3:47am
I feed mine choice a bite of hamburger...cheese..or a french fry (they love french fries) I avoid anything super fatty,sugary,or I don't know all of the ingredants to I'm very concerned about a sugar sub. called xylatol as it is fatal to dogs and cats alike, they also have to be good first ie no begging and I always place it in their food bowls =)

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