Our new girl is coming home on Wednesday. I'm on fall break this week, so I'm doing some preparations for her arrival.
I already have some puppy food, I transitioned Bear over to adult food when he was about 1/3 of the way through a bag of puppy food, so I put the remains in some air tight containers for Goldy's arrival - but I'm trying to make sure I have everything. I also have a crate - Bear's old one - and I have a leash.

I've made a pet store list:

* Collar
* food/water dishes

Is there anything I'm forgetting?

Also, should I take Bear with me to pick her up or should I leave him at home to prevent an awkward car ride? When we went to see the puppies last week he wasn't that interested (sniffed them and walked away), so I don't THINK it would be an issue to take him, but I could use some advice.

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Comment by Marion and Vern on October 10, 2009 at 10:48pm
Congratulations! I bet you are counting the hours. If it is a very long ride I would take something to feed the new baby, don't want that blood sugar to drop to low. Can't wait for pictures and updates.
Comment by Aj on October 10, 2009 at 9:34pm
I just picked up my second corgi today :) I left Ein at home and I was glad I did because I enjoyed having Brian on my lap. Think of it as bonding time between the 2 of you. Collar, water bowl, food bowl is all I really needed. Oh, and I brought one of Ein's toys and Brian chewed on it happily. The toy helped him keep occupied. But, he slept 80% of the trip, which was good, since it was a 4 hour drive! We stopped twice for a potty break, but he wouldn't go pee! When we arrived home, he pee'd for a good 40-50 seconds. This 8 week old surprised me with his strong bladder! Good luck on your Goldy!
Comment by Beth on October 10, 2009 at 8:53pm
I love those doggie wipes! Jack has a slightly sensitive tummy, and Madison has a very furry behind, so I still use them sometimes even on the adults. They are also nice if your dog rolls in something gross and you don't have time for a full bath. Not that a Corgi would ever roll in anything gross....
Comment by Stephanie on October 10, 2009 at 8:45pm
You all are so great with your ideas! Wipes, great idea! I just added them to the list. Thanks on the names - when Bear came home his name was Rex, just didn't stick.
Comment by Jane Christensen on October 10, 2009 at 8:43pm
Yes...I noticed the name after I sent my reply, cute....old towels work great like you said they wash easy! That was a good idea what Beth suggested about the wipes...just in case.
Comment by Bev Levy on October 10, 2009 at 8:42pm
She is so cute! Best wishes on your new baby!
Comment by Beth on October 10, 2009 at 8:01pm
How exciting! We didn't bring Jack when we picked up Maddie (they'd already met). I guess it depends on how long the ride is. There is some chance that pup will get sick in the car and would you be able to deal with Bear and a vomity puppy?

Of course puppies have baby teeth and so use some different toys. One thing I do is that for higher value toys (tennis balls and marrow bones, in our case) I have more than two. The last thing you want is for one to have a toy, the other to want it, and the only one like it is lost behind a couch somewhere. We started with four tennis balls and four marrow bones, for example, for the two dogs.

I also like to keep a supply of puppy wipes or unscented baby wipes around to clean up messy bellies and bums. Not sure if you have any around for Bear.

And make sure you have some puppy-friendly treats around too, and tiny ones for training!

Keep us posted. Puppies are so much fun! I can't wait to hear how Goldy and Bear get along. Clever naming, by the way.
Comment by christy fry on October 10, 2009 at 7:44pm
what a sweetie!!! You must be so excited!!! I didn't take Jordan to pick up Teagen and they did just fine!!! I've never done the neutral territory thing with introductions my pups aren't dominant and seem to understand everyone is welcome period =) Congrats
Comment by Stephanie on October 10, 2009 at 7:42pm
Good point, we have chew toys, but they're "Bear's" - she probably needs some of her own. I thought about taking Bear but keeping him in the back seat, where he's been riding lately and putting Goldy in the front seat. I think I'm going to use towels in her crate just until we get the housebreaking thing worked out (they wash soo easy).
Comment by Jane Christensen on October 10, 2009 at 7:40pm
Oh how fun!!!!!! I bet you can't wait. Do you have chews,toys and blankets ready? That's all I can think of. What I have done in the past is bring another dog along but have them kenneled so they can smell etc. If you don't maybe you could take a blanket with Bears smell on so she can smell it b/4 she gets home!!! What a little cutie! Looks like she's talking already!

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