Corgi owners were always so kind in their remarks and advice for my little warrior.  Joey went to the Rainbow Bridge today, June 1st.  His autoimmune condition known as erthyma multiforme, consumed him.  I adopted Joey 3 years ago and we have fought through bleeding paws, crusts and bleeding eye margins and the lethargy and depression that accompanies autoimmune conditions.   A confirmed Sheltie owner, Joey opened my eyes to a whole new world of dog.....I've never owned a dog with a personality as clever as Joey's.  I can see why Tasha Tudor kept bundles of them at her Vermont farm!  I am left with a thousand thousand mental images of my little guy....his joy, his determination and his nearly human attitude.  The pain is gone, Little Joey: rest well, my friend.   John

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Comment by Gail and Ashton on June 1, 2011 at 7:09pm
Deepest sympathies. I am positive he is over on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge with my Heston having a wonderful time playing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. <3

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