Happy First Birthday Watson! He has been the happiest dog ever. All things are fun and interested him. We have had a tough year with my cancer diagnosis but the joy, love and laughs he provides has helped us focus on the important things in life. He wasn't the dog I started looking for. Originally I was waiting for a pup from a breeder that I had developed a good relationship with hoping for a bluemerle. Unfortunately her litter only produced one pup that they decided to keep. They gave me the name of a good breeder in Chicago that had pups but hers were all spoken for. She then gave me the name of a Breeder of Merit in Iowa that she highly recommended.  I made contact but her latest litter was all spoken for. So I contacted a few other people but was fortunate when Cindi, the Iowa, breeder called and said she had a buyer change their mind and I was exactly the home she had wanted for this pup. She wanted a home with another dog and where he would not be home alone often because he was not as independent as some of her other pups. Well that fit us perfectly and I ended up with a black and white with brindle points corgi. Watson has been a joy from the beginning. He is just the right amount of play and cuddle. He is the happiest dog I have every been around. He is popular a t doggie daycare too. My  year took an unexpected turn this past fall when I received a devastating cancer diagnoses.  We decided to keep Watson and do the best for him while fighting my illness. He provides plenty of comic relief and joy. We will celebrate his birthday with friends and maybe a trip to Petsmart for a new toy he can destroy. There is no way we could adequately reward Watson for the joy he has brought us. In addition I received very good news this week that my weekly chemo treatments have dramatically reduced the stage 4 cancer activity. Things are looking more positive than they have in a long time. Thankyou my corgi family for all your encouragement!

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Comment by Mickey on January 20, 2015 at 3:05pm

Haven't been to Mycorgi in a while and very happy to see your update and celebration for Watson. What a handsome boy!! Happy to hear your good news about the cancer. 

Comment by Rachel & Scout on January 19, 2015 at 2:03pm

I love this!!! Happy Birthday Watson! Animals can be so healing! Glad to hear you are doing better <3

Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on January 18, 2015 at 8:37pm

Happy 1st Birthday Watson!!! Bev, so happy to hear the awesome news, and so happy for your family!!!!

Comment by Beth on January 18, 2015 at 8:04pm

Watson is so handsome.  He sounds wonderful and he could not hope for a better owner than you.  I am so happy to hear your good treatment news.   I think of you often and regularly send good wishes your way.   I hope the next year is even better for all of you. 

Comment by Anna Morelli on January 18, 2015 at 1:39pm

Good job "Doctor" Watson and Happy First Birthday!  Animals can be great healers, so many studies have shown this correlation to various treatments.   This pup found its way to your home at just the right time,  I don't believe in coincidences... I think someone was looking out for you even before you knew it was needed. 

I'm so glad for your good news.

Comment by susan on January 17, 2015 at 10:42pm
@ Linda... Good news! Glad to hear things are going well for you, all things considered. And Watson is a cutie! There is a reason you were led to him. :)

@ Vicky.... So glad to hear your surgery went well. Hoping that you have complete success as well!
Comment by Vicky Hay on January 17, 2015 at 10:24pm

Ohhhh the cute little freckles! The sweet shading of brindle over the eyes. So adorable!

Good, GOOD  news about the chemo success! These diagnoses are so terrifying for people in our generation...things have changed in medicine since we were young, and now treatments sometimes go a great deal better than we're socialized to think. In these parts, the double mastectomy not only was NOT the horror show I expected, it turned out to be a piece of cake. Uhm..well....as it were. ;-)

I'm glad you didn't send Watson away. Hang in there!

Comment by Lawren and Teddy on January 17, 2015 at 6:55pm

Happy birthday, Watson!

So glad to hear your cancer treatments are working, Bev. I have been thinking of you. I'm glad Watson has been such a joy for you and your family. He's a handsome devil.

Comment by Linda on January 17, 2015 at 5:30pm

I am so glad to hear this news!!!  I think of you so often and always wonder how you are.  I know the time dealing with treatment takes so much out of a person, a family.  And I agree with Lois....Watson was sent to you for a reason.  With all the other breeders you tried and then along comes Watson...he has a purpose.

Happy First Birthday Watson!

Comment by Holly on January 17, 2015 at 4:33pm

I think of you every time I log into this site. So happy to hear you got some good news. Also, I'm so glad they found your cancer since it sounds as if you had no symptoms, and extra glad about the treatments working so well. Thank for the update! Happy Birthday to your sweet baby.

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