I decided to make some home-made dog biscuits today. I was off from work and bored so it was something to do, especially since I'm baby sitting Finn right now. I made peanut butter molasses biscuits that I found a recipe for online and Orion LOVES them. My mom and I ate some too and they're not bad, haha! I used low-fat peanut butter and fat free milk so they're not a horrible amount of calories either which is good. Finn doesn't really like them but he's a picky eater and he refused to eat peanut butter as a pup (he eats plain peanut butter now though.) But since Orion loves them I bet your corgis will too! There's lots of recipes on the site, including low calories recipes and recipes for dog cakes in case a birthday is coming up ;)

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 6, 2010 at 6:54pm
Monica, I think the issue was only with China-made treats, so it is supposed to be ok. I sure hope so!
Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on June 6, 2010 at 1:37pm
I kept some out in a plastic container and the rest went into th freezer. This is my first time making them so I'm not sure how long they'll last, I think the recipe said a few weeks. So the chicken jerky is now made in the US, right? So it's safe for my pups?
Comment by Jane Christensen on June 6, 2010 at 12:47pm
I don't know about Monica's but I refrigerate in a baggie once cool and freeze most. I did have a batch get moldy when I first started making these.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 6, 2010 at 12:36pm
My guys love the Costco chicken too. I had stopped buying it when they carried the brand made in China. I'm pretty sure the Chinese stuff contributed to Bruce's failing kidneys. The FDA had an article out warning people against giving their dogs any treats from China. Costco must have listened to complaints, because now it's made in the USA. The pieces are smaller, but maybe that's a good thing ;).


Thanks for the recipe! Maybe I'll make some tonight. Do you know how long the treats stay good after making them?
Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on June 5, 2010 at 11:28pm
I love to bake (hate to cook) so I cut it out with cute little ducks and hearts, haha, we have a surplus of cute cookie cutters here. Finn decided he likes them now too, or maybe he's just eating them to be polite. What I use for training treats typically is this chicken jerky I get from Costco that Orion goes absolutely bonkers for. It's pretty much all chicken so there's not a bunch of by-products and filler junk and I shred it into tiny pieces to use for training. Works on Orion and the aussie, they're do ANYTHING for it, so its pretty great but a pain in the butt to shred up
Comment by Jane Christensen on June 5, 2010 at 8:05pm
That's exactly like the one I use except for the molasses! I will have to add that and I sometimes add ground flax or oatmeal. I'm lazy and hate to bake(love to cook)! I put mine on a large cookie sheet and cut them with a pizza cutter about 5 min. after they come out of the oven...Great training treats also!

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