Oppy is going to be 9 months old on Saturday and I was thinking it may be time to start working on not using his crate while we're at work (he'd be alone for approximately 6.5-7 hours). We've tested leaving him alone while we go to the grocery store which usually lasts about an hour or so and he's been doing really well as long as we puppy proof everything (make sure there's nothing on our desks that he can reach/steal/shred). But 6.5 hours is a lot longer than what we've currently tested him at, I'm just worried if he can hold his bladder that long. Any suggestions on the topic? Or should we just try leaving him out and hope for the best?

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Comment by Melinda (Penny's Mom) on August 27, 2009 at 1:27pm
We just started putting Penny (5 months) in our mud room while we are gone. Her crate is a little small for her now and we wanted her to have a little more space. We have it gated off and we also have her crate in there to lay down in if she wants. She has done great with it for a little over a week, but yesterday she shredded the rug that was in there. I would like to eventually give her free reign of the house but I don't see that happening for quite a while yet.
Comment by John Wolff on August 27, 2009 at 12:22pm
Make sure everyone in the family is trained to keep food and food packaging out of reachable garbage receptacles. Make a habit of cutting off the bottom corners of snack backs -- we came home once to find Siri with a potato chip bag stuck on her head, for who knows how long, and she'd panicked an pooped all over the house; luckily it was a stiff bag that did not suffocate her -- a dog that gets its face into a soft plastic bag could die.
If you have cats, beware of organized crime: food on the counter will not be out-of-reach after the cat knocks it off.
Comment by Amanda & Tuck on August 27, 2009 at 11:47am
I got Tucker at 10 months old. I had him in the crate for about a week and decided I would rather see how he does gated in the kitchen. He got the kitchen and the mudroom - and has every day since with no accidents or destruction. Well almost none - only one time did he have an accident and it was because he was sick - and he did chew a wood door stopper - but it protruded right at eye level and was probably very tempting - ha. I do leave him toys/things to chew on but he mostly ignores them because I come home to find them in the same spot I left them and Tuck yawning and stretching in his bed. He can go a long time wtihout going potty - even at 10 months sometimes I would get home and he wouldn't even have to go - was more interested in playing and eating. Definitely don't go right to him having the whole house- start with a puppy proofed room and give it a try! Good luck!
Comment by Alice on August 27, 2009 at 11:36am
I've been contemplating the same thing. Finnigan will be 1 year old in September and we still crate him at night and any time we are not home. The only time he was left out is when I came home for my lunch to take him out as I always do and when i put him back in the crate I must have locked it without the latches lining up with the holes so it wasn't actually locked at all. My husband came home 4.5 hours later and called me thinking I was hiding in the apartment waiting to scare him (yes, we do that) because when he walked in Finn was at the front door. I wasn't home from work yet and depending on how long it took Finn to realize the crate door was open, he may have been running around for up to 4.5 hours! I was amazed that he didn't destroy anything or go to the bathroom. He was probably so confused about why he was out if we were not home that he didn't get a chance to ruin anything. I don't know if I'd trust him alone all the time just yet though. I thought about gating him in the kitchen but if he really wanted to he could chew the cupboard doors or open them. Has anyone had a problem with that? Maybe baby locks would be handy. Since we are in an apartment, it's really important that he not destroy anything like the cupboards.

Finn doesn't go in his crate either unless we tell him to. He doesn't mind being in it, but he wouldn't choose to go hang out in there.
Comment by Matt & Hilliary on August 27, 2009 at 10:59am
Heh, Oppy never goes in his crate unless he's enticed to go in with treats. He doesn't hate it once he's in there, but you look at him and he looks back as if he's saying "I'm bored, this sucks." :p
Comment by Jane Christensen on August 27, 2009 at 10:50am
I agree witht the gate idea but also do not get rid of his crate as he may always want that as his "safe" place or nap place...I bungy(sp) cord mine open so they can use it to sleep in but they have the run of certain rooms.
Comment by Matt & Hilliary on August 27, 2009 at 10:47am
Luckily he's not much of a chewer except on his toys. He has yet to chew on ANY furniture (thank god!). He'll occasionally steal some papers or a tissue and shred them though. I guess gating off the kitchen might be a good idea since cleaning any messes there would be easiest.
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on August 27, 2009 at 10:43am
I would recommend gating off a small section of your house, a kitchen maybe and see how he does with that first, then slowly give him free reign of the house, puppy proofed. Slowly increase the time you leave him in the kitchen. 9 months to me is kinda of early, still could get bored and decide to chew on something he finds a wall or such. That would be my biggest fear, if they get bored they can get destructive.

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