I don't think Truck is going to work out :-(

I have come to the conclusion that I really don't think Truck is going to work out for me. He is just too timid and does not cope well with change. I know I should give him a full month, but I've given him a bit over 3 weeks and have seen minimal improvement. My dad came over to stay a few nights and since he has been in the house Truck has been very uncomfortable and nervous. My dad is very soft spoken and dog friendly and Truck will snuggle up to him, but the new person in the house has made him super uncomfortable. He doesn't like changes to his routine and this includes going on a walk to a new location, or new people in the house. He is a tiny bit better in the car, but is still super scared (just now he isn't physically trembling like before). He has been doing great in the house, but I just can't have a dog who is so terrified of the world and who cowers in fear anytime a dog barks or a voice is raised. He also doesn't care much for the beach, which is my favorite place in the world, so I just feel its not fair to him to keep him. He would be an amazing dog for an elderly couple who just want a quiet companion. Also, he has ZERO stamina. Everyday for the last 3+ weeks we have gone on walks, and we barely go 1 mile and Truck is stumbling and exhausted. I would think after 3 weeks we would have been able to increase our distance a bit. So basically Franklin isn't getting 1/2 the exercise he needs, and Truck is too tired to try to go any further. This is a really hard decision for me because I have NEVER in my life re-homed an animal before. I really wanted it to work out, but at 4 years old, with so much fear and lack of confidence I really don't think his personality is going to go through any major change. I do think some of these things can be trained out of him, but I want a dog that ENJOYS the things I like to do, not one that I have had to train to tolerate them. Here are pictures from our beach trip. Most of which Truck spent laying  next to me with his ears pinned flat looking terrified. I've had some fun editing out leashes with Gimp, what an awesome program! Anyway, I contacted the owner to see if she wants him back or if she wants me to re-home him. I feel like I would be able to find him a more suitable home since the owner clearly has no idea what her dog is like. I described IN DETAIL what I was looking for, and honestly Truck is just about the polar opposite of what I was/am looking for. :-(

Franklin and his sister playing while Truck tries to figure out what is going on

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Comment by Sidney and Angie on February 6, 2012 at 11:12pm

he is so cute!

i think what he needed is a bit more confidence

Comment by Beth on February 6, 2012 at 8:06am

So glad to hear you were able to find him a good spot.  Sounds perfect! 

Comment by Kathy Losacco on February 5, 2012 at 6:37pm

Happy to hear you found him a good home.  Best of luck to Truck and You, Melissa.

Comment by Bev Levy on February 5, 2012 at 5:55pm

You made a big difference to him Melissa! Hope he is happy in his new home and you find the perfect corgi to add to your family.

Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on February 5, 2012 at 1:39pm
I actually spoke with them and they knew somebody who was interested in him. I called and talked to the person at length and sent a very detailed email about truck and his personality. He actually sounds like a perfect home. He works from home and has no other pets, his friends don't have dogs and he lives a pretty quiet life. He lives about 7 hours south of here but happened to be coming about an hour away so we met today for the exchange. It all happened very fast but he was very willing to take on truck and his issues. I was very detailed on his issues and his good points and I think its going to work very well.
Rachel- I can't help but agree that the breeder should never have placed him with me in the first place. Talking to both the husband and the wife neither seemed particularly surprised about his nervousness and fear and they were actually suprised he was so friendly with different people. I think they just wanted him gone and didn't care who he went to.
Comment by Rachael & Waffle on February 5, 2012 at 12:25pm

Aw, this is sad to hear but not unexpected based on all the things you've posted.  I think if anyone dropped the ball here, it was his old owners.  :|  I would much rather you rehome him than them just because they apparently are not in touch with Truck at all, so I hope they let you.  How sad.  My best wishes are with you and Truck and I hope you both find what you need.

Comment by Jennifer Markley on February 5, 2012 at 9:00am

Have you had him checked good by a vet?  I'd be inclined to do that before I gave up on him.

Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on February 4, 2012 at 11:00pm

I agree Jennifer, I started to wonder about the health thing too. He is OFA hips, heart, and eyes certified so I know he has good hips and a good heart, and he otherwise acts completely normal. He eats well, hasn't had any vomiting or diarrhea (despite eating an ENTIRE retriever roll rawhide the other day!) and his overall health appears otherwise normal. I can't decide if its just from 4 years of inactivity or what. His spine sticks out and he really has no lumbar muscles to speak of, I just wonder if it has to do with lack of use, but I would think he would be able to do more walking than he is able. He does run and play, just can't keep it up for long at all. 

Comment by Jennifer Markley on February 4, 2012 at 10:38pm


I am assuming this is grasping at straws, but are you sure that he doesn't have any health issues that could be affecting his behavior?  I'm concerned that at 4 years old he can't walk more than one mile.  He should be able to go much further.  If that's not the case, then I hope you can find him a good home.  Where are you located at?

Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on February 4, 2012 at 10:18pm

Thank's Sam. There was no signed contract when I got him. I also think I can find him a better home and can screen candidates better,  not to mention the stress to him going back to life in a kennel just to be relocated yet again. I've asked the breeder if they would allow me to re-home him, waiting for a reply

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