I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico! ... Okay, not really. My parents pay for my car insurance and we already have Geico. BUT~

That breeder that I was looking into? Amazing. She's a small breeder-- been showing/breeding Corgis for 18 years and only has had 6 litters. 5 champion dogs! Tests for vWD, eyes, hips, and even heart condition. I was simultaneously glad to hear she doesn't overbreed but also very disappointed because I figured I wouldn't be getting a corgi from her. Guess what! She has five 4.5 mo old puppies she's been looking to place, and may have one last litter in early spring. She said she's turned down 3 homes because they weren't suitable for corgi puppies, so I was a little worried that I was going to fail her test. We wrote NOVELS of emails and still are writing, but she said, "Your living situation isn't the perfect one for a Corgi but as long as you realize that he will need a great deal of time spent with him and a lot of activity, you should do just fine." Yaaaay! Guess who is getting a corgi? That's right. It's me! And I don't have to travel 4 hours one way to get one. I can visit the puppies, too! I'm so happy. <3

I don't know whether I'm getting a new puppy or an older puppy; I'm perfectly fine with either (but of course I want the younger one.) I do consider you guys' opinions in even if I don't reply to them, lol. Someone even pointed out to me maybe Waffle won't be a red/white corgi puppy, but an adult tri... Deep down, I already knew that, and am considering the possibilities. He won't, however, be a she, because I don't want a female dog and won't buy one. I think the only "must have" in my search is that the dog I get be a male and not a female. I don't think that's an unreasonable want... Is it? :|

Anyways, if I do get a tri-guy, I can't very well name him Waffle unless he has a very small amount of black. I need to think of a name for him... I thought of "hexane" but then decided "Octane" would be a better name. Still thinkin' on it, though!

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Comment by Rachel & Goldie on January 11, 2010 at 12:23am
Stay with Waffle its a cute name!!!
Comment by Potus on November 11, 2009 at 7:17pm
I was the same- wanted a male dog all the way.
Comment by Kristin P on November 9, 2009 at 4:52pm
Don't give up on 'Waffle!' Waffle is a way cool name for a Corgi. PS your doodles are freakin' awesome. :)
Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 8, 2009 at 5:16pm
Molasses can go on waffles....
Mmm, molasses!

I also prefer male dogs. We had one female and she was psycho, but sweet. I think I'd stick to males from now on, unless, like Jane mentioned, a female "claimed" me!

Anywoo, congratulations!
Comment by GoGoRainbow on November 8, 2009 at 4:31pm
Tungsten? I want one of my kids to have Tungsten for a middle name so their middle initial can be W.
Comment by GoGoRainbow on November 8, 2009 at 3:50pm
I've only had female dogs and I know they can be a bit crazy sometimes. But pooka is the gosh-durn best dog there is!

When we went to look, we had a lot of choices. My husband actually said he might want a male more (though I had been set on a female) so I was willing to look. The choice was between 2 red males, and 2 red females (Pooka was the one I liked in the photos) though they had a few female Tri's, I wanted a red.

Pooka was the only one who would wake up and play with us(besides one Tri female)! and we visited twice. Also the only one with her ears up which made her stand out. The two males were much bigger and I wanted to please my hubby, but they were just lazy and didn't care about us. The other red female was a scaredy cat. I tried to play with her (chase) and she ran away whining.

So we told the breeder we liked Pooka, but would be back in 2 weeks and if the males were still available, would consider again. Same thing happened, males didn't care, Pooka loved us, she was so cute and smart, the only one to respond to noises or seem aware of the whole yard, instead of just the few feet around her. We asked the breeder which pup was his favorite and he had to say it was Pooka and my husband agreed.

So the moral of the story is, I had always wanted a girl, but really wanted to get a boy to please my husband. But in the end, you gotta pick the best one!

I would not fault you on sticking to your guns on sex. I stuck to my guns on getting a red-white and it worked out (granted, I searched for about 8 months).

NAMES! I'm a naming snob. I don't like a name if I've met another animal with that name. I also try to hold off picking a name til I meet the little bugger. But I do do lots of brainstorming! I REALLY wanted to name my corgi Jenga, and I was going to teach her to stand up, then fall over. Pooka was a character from a video game my husband was playing (I like to pick things that involve him so he'll like it too, but then he always thinks it was his idea later -.-)

I think Waffles works just fine for either color. We had a goat named Waffles, he was a sweety. I liked the name Shortnin'. I don't like hexane (I am a chemistry nerd, but just too rigid for a corgi). almost wish you could do oxane, cuz you could call him Ox or oxie ^_^, but it ain't real. Iggy?
Comment by Amanda on November 8, 2009 at 12:12pm
When we were looking for a puppy, I had my heart set on a female, I felt she would bond with me more. I may have been biased because I owned a female GSD and she was just the sweetest thing ever. When we went and looked at the puppies, all she had left were three males, and I fell in love with Dax as soon as I set eyes on him. He's not cuddly AT ALL, he wants nothing to do with that unless you plan on playing with him. I often wonder what it would have been like if I would have gotten a female instead, but I love my little Dax so much, even though he never wants to cuddle and he's totally bonded more with my boyfriend (who didn't even want a dog at first, of course) much more than me. I've grown to love his spasticness and I'll just force him to cuddle with me when I want some puppy love. :) anyway, the point is, even though I was set on a female and ended up with a male, I wouldn't trade him for any female dog, though I'd love to get a female as a second dog. :)
Comment by Jeny (and Wrigley) on November 8, 2009 at 7:00am
I hear you, I imagined my corgi named Patronus for a long time. I drew pictures of him, talked about him like he was real and all my friends thought I was nuts. When the time came to get my dog, I wanted to adopt one rather than go through a breeder (which I couldn't afford). I found Wrigley and even though he wasn't my Patronus, he was even better. I love him to pieces and couldn't be happier! Good luck to you!
Comment by Beth on November 7, 2009 at 6:59pm
Oops, I used the wrong homonym there! I meant "fazes", not "phases!" Doh!
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on November 7, 2009 at 6:56pm
We absolutely love our tri-guy Griffyn! He's our clown, our easy going guy who lives to please!! And hey, I like John and Jane's point..... I think Waffle would still work!

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