I love my Corgi puppy- does he love me?

I have had Johann for almost 2 weeks now and he turned 10 weeks old today.  He was very sweet with me for the first few days... But lately he hasn't been wanting to cuddle and won't cooperate with his harness.  He just sits there.  I tug and release the leash but he continues to just sit and looks at me like I'm an idiot.  I offer him treats while we are walking but once he goes a few feet, he stops and lays down no longer interested in the treat.  When other people are out walking during leash training, they stop to play with him for a few minutes and Johann LOVES it.  I know he's just a puppy, but he is my very first dog and I am not really experienced with puppy behavior as all of my friends have only had adult dogs (save for one or two).   I haven't been doing anything wrong to him... I do have to crate him at night of course and we are having to discipline him a little for biting (a firm "No" and if he doesn't stop, a little pinch on the back of his neck).  Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I'm afraid that he doesn't like me anymore. Are most Corgis like this?  Do they just like new people/environments?  Will he be more lovey towards me later?

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Comment by The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein on April 6, 2011 at 9:21pm

I for got the link. LOL


Here is a picture and description on the home made teething treats I made for Ein when she was that young.


Comment by The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein on April 6, 2011 at 9:12pm

Every dog is different and has their own personality that's unique to them. It's a myth that ALL puppies love cuddles, and snuggles, and being held. My corgi puppy who is 6.5 months old now has NEVER liked being held or snuggled. At first I was afraid that because of that and the fact I had to crate her at night and during naps that she wouldn't bond with me. That's not the case though. She has become very affectionate and loves both my husband and myself and gets very excited now when she sees us in the morning or when we've been gone.  She just shows it in other ways than snuggling or being held, cause she's still not into that. 


Your puppy is still such a baby. When you think about the fact that he's only been in this world for 10 weeks it puts things in perspective. I'm sure he wants to make you happy, but he's also teething and is confused about what your expectations are. Be really patient with him, and keep training sessions like leash training really short. You need to set him up for success, so that it's a positive experience for both of you. If you know what his limit is (a few feet) then just go a few feet, praising him for walking, and turn around and go back just before you reach his limit. If you've never had a successful walking session, he'll never know what he's suppose to do to make you happy. When you have successful walking session 2 days in a row, then try going a few steps further each day. It's all about setting up for success, so he's not confused about how to make you happy. You'll probably want to enroll him in a puppy training class once he's fully immunized too. That has been a great bonding experience for my puppy and myself. 


As for the biting and teething, my puppy Ein was really bad about with that too. I just bought her teething toys and made some home made ones too to keep her mouth occupied while we played and had bonding time. When they're that young, the urge to chew is so strong that no matter how much they want to make you happy they just can't help themselves. He's not being insubordinate and ignoring your commands to not chew on purpose. Instead of reprimanding him and scolding him all the time, try and use the bait and switch method. If he tries to chew on your hand, shove a teething toy in his mouth. If he finds your shoe, take it away, and shove a teething toy in his mouth. Eventually he'll get the hang of what things are ok to chew and how to make you happy. You can't just say "no" and without immediately showing him how to make you happy. Eventually the urge to chew will lesson and he'll know what appropriate outlets he has when the urge strikes. 


It's all about setting him up for success and having positive bonding experiences with him. Good luck. You 2 will be in love soon enough. It just takes time and a LOT of patience.


Here is a picture and description on the home made teething treats I made for Ein when she was that young.



Comment by Janet Reed on April 6, 2011 at 9:12pm

Barring any physical injury that would cause this dog to stop while walking and lay down.....you are worrying too much.


IMHO the most important thing in puppy training is to make it FUN!! If the other folks that are stopping are more fun that you are...he is going to respond to them.  You have to be fun! So he will want to walk with you.


My Corgi is not a cuddly, lovey dog.  He is a Corgi.  I find him to be intelligent and independent.  I do not find him to be the type of dog that likes to cuddle. When my Corgi wants to be with me he MAY jump on my lap but he definately likes his space.


When we are training pups we don't expect too much in the beginning.  We keep the sessions short and fun.  We DON"T let the dog run the training and lay down while training. We keep the dog focused on the work by keeping the sessions short (15 minutes) As the dog gets older the sessions can be longer.


10 weeks old is a pretty young dog to expect much.  As you and your dog become a team he will learn.  I tell people it takes a year to make a dog!! You have 52 weeks to go.




Comment by Bob and SparkPlug on April 6, 2011 at 9:03pm

Sparky did the whole "I'm not walking anymore" routine too. He would just sit down and not budge. I would end up carrying him for a while and trying to walk him again. He's over that now. I think it's just a phase. Be gentle, keep encouraging Johann. I think some Corgi's aren't big lovers like most. Sparky is my shadow, but he's not a cuddler. As he is laying on the floor behind me on his back with all 4 paws in the air!


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