Is it possible to get a Pomeranian to play with my Corgi?

I am at my parents house for the holidays. They have a 3 yr old Pomeranian who feels confined to the top of the couch. My 3 month old corgi just wants to play, and he plays with other dogs really well.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get a toy lap breed to play with a corgi pup? LOL do Pomeranian's even play with others? She has only really lived in the house, not well socialized like my boy Odin.

I just feel bad that she is stuck on the top of the couch in HER I do mean her house.

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Comment by Alison w/ Odin and Dashel on December 30, 2009 at 9:39am
Sucess! They play tug-o-war! Of course Odin pulls it right out of her mouth, but she is still faster so she teases him with it:) I am happy!
I have taught Odin to "be nice" so he doesn't charge her.

Comment by Potus on December 18, 2009 at 3:52am
I don't know if its possible but I would attempt it. I wish Po had played more with toy breeds as a pup. He is know over a year old, and having socialised mostly with larger breeds forgets his own strength and sometimes plays a little toy rough with little dogs.
Comment by Buddy & Wynstan on December 17, 2009 at 9:36pm
It is possible, my mother's pomeranian plays with my pup, at least i think she is playing with him. Prissy, the pom who is properly named, sound like a cat trapped in a bag.
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on December 17, 2009 at 1:06pm
I do not know how to get a dog like this to play with a puppy but I have to say this.
Whatever happend make sure you don't expose your baby to prolonged negative experience. He's too young and this can lead to fear. If the Pomeranian snaps at him and growls, stay away. Odin doesn't need any bad experience.
Comment by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on December 17, 2009 at 11:18am
I forgot to mention that the Pomeranian she played with was significantly older, (13), which I'm sure affected their interaction.
Comment by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on December 17, 2009 at 11:15am
My parents have a Bichon and a Shi Tzu. They live close by and I've been taking Stella there to play and socialize from the time I got her at 9 wks old. At first, the Bichon kind of played with her a little--I mean, VERY little. The play consisted of Stella running around in circles like a nut and licking at his face. Jade, the Shi Tzu, was TERRIFIED of her--literally shaking, and hid from her. Stella's now 9 months old and their relationship has evolved to both dogs just hanging out and/or ignoring Stella when she's there. Jade isn't scared anymore, and will even lay beside Stella on the floor or couch, but she never plays. When Stella initiates play, Jade just sniffs her and walks away. Anyway, I wanted to give you the history, because it sounds like your parents dog and your dog haven't met yet. So if the Pomeranian is scared at first, it might get better as they get to know one another. Oh, I almost forgot! Stella has hung out with a Pomerania before. No play, he just snapped at her angrily and wanted her food. LOL Anyway, based on my experience, I wouldn't have too high of expectations for real play, but just hope for mutual tolerance. Maybe others will have different experiences, but that has been mine so far with Stella and toy breeds.
Comment by Jane Christensen on December 17, 2009 at 10:47am
Does she play with any toys? If so you could maybe sit on the floor and try to get them both interested or have a few treats and give them tiny bits for sitting near each other! That's why socialization is sooooo important, it's not the breed but what they learn! Hopefully she will loose some of her inhibitions and decide that playing is fun!!!

I love Odin's pic with the glasses!

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