Thank you for the support and advice getting Izzie through her heat. She refused to keep the diaper on (no surprise there) and got little splotches everywhere, but 2 weeks and a lot of bissel carpet cleaner, we got through it. Today she went in for her spay and did well (I think.) She was a little pathetic when walking out of the back room, she couldn't walk with the Elizabethan collar on, poor thing! She is also struggling with not being allowed to jump on the couch right now. Mostly she's just sleeping on this big stuffed turtle I have (I think there are some pictures of the turtle and Lily on it in my photos on the site.) The stitches don't look too bad. I remember Lily's cut being a lot longer, hopefully dog spays have improved over the last decade to prevent such large scars! :) Still, being the mommy that I am, I feel sad putting her through this! I can't wait to see her back to her old self. :)
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