Well, before people scold me for not getting her spayed, let me explain. I moved in September and had an appointment set up for Thanksgiving week back in Pittsburgh where my parents are and I was going to take the week off, drive down with Izzie and get it done on Tuesday of that week. Well, a few days before, the Vet calls to say that the doctors decided to take that week off. Ok, well I guess I will need to get the operation done up in NY sometime in the next month or so. Fast forward through December where my company is rushing to get our software out and I have little time to think about anything else. And now we're here with Izzie's first heat. :-/ I pretty much expected this to happen but now that it's here. HELP! She sat on my arm a few minutes ago and whoops, blood! I had planned to take her and go to my boyfriend's place tonight for NYE but now I'm not thinking it's a good idea. :-/
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