Last Friday(June 18th) we brought a beautiful red-and-white corgi girl into our life.
This 12 weeks old corgi puppy is our second corgi and Jeter's new baby sister.
Her name is 'Cappy' from captain :-)

"Hi everyone!! I am Cappy"

It has been a wonderful year since we adopted Jeter from Lakeshore Pembroke Welsh Corgi Rescue.
Recently we were talking about getting a second corgi and were checking petfinder everyday.
Finding a corgi younger than Jeter from a rescue was not easy so we just kept searching.
One day we sent a Jeter-update email to his foster mom Yvette and found out 2 of her own corgis just had puppies.
Cappy is one of Yvette's 14 puppies from 2 litters. She is a daughter of Vanilla(red and white).
We visited the puppies when they were about 7 weeks old and on June 18th, we went there again to take a puppy to her forever home.
Yvette suggested 2 puppies (one from each litter) for us.
One is a red and white girl and one is a tri girl.
It was quite hard to pick just one because they are both so cute.
But we chose Cappy because she was the one who followed Jeter around happily and we liked her mother's composure.
Vanilla is such a calm and confident corgi.

two finalist puppies

Cappy's mom Vanilla and Jammies tri girl puppy

Yvette told us about Cappy's parents and pedigree.
Her AKC name will be 'Baker Street Vanilla Ice Cream' :-)
After saying goodbye to everyone we left Yvette's house.

"Bye bye my birth home~~" (Cappy with Jeter's foster mom/Vanilla's owner)

Let's go home!!

Cappy's new home in Chicago is 10 hour drive round trip from her birth home in Wisconsin.
It was sunny and bright when we headed home but later we were caught in a very bad storm.
It felt like driving under the ocean.
Heavy rain kept coming down and it was so hard to see what was in front of us, not to mention lots of thunder and lightning.
But our 2 brave corgis didn't make any sound and stayed calm in the back seat.

Last few days we have been very busy with these 2 corgis.
Cappy is already doing pretty good at house training.
She already won many people's heart with her cuteness.
Jeter is leaning to live with this little girl :-)
They chase each other and play with their toys.
Hopefully Jeter and Cappy will have so much fun together more and more each day.

First night at home, Jeter and Cappy are enjoying their bully sticks

Please welcome Jeter's new corgi sister Cappy.
We love our corgis and enjoy our double corginess :-)

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Comment by Aj on June 25, 2010 at 4:01pm
Welcome Cappy! She's so smiley in the last 2 pics, very cute :)
Comment by Chris and Andrew on June 24, 2010 at 4:51pm
Yes, Cappy is already trying to take over :-) This little girl is feisty!!
Comment by Brittany Nelson on June 24, 2010 at 4:29pm
She is so cute!!
Comment by Becky S on June 24, 2010 at 3:55pm
CONGRATS OOOH reminds me of when we brought Lilly home. Is Cappy "bossing" Jeter around yet? Good luck, two are so much fun.

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