Last year June 13th was the day Jeter came into our life.
It's been a wonderful year with him so yesterday we celebrated his first anniversary.
His day started early with his usual weekend-5 mile-morning-run with us on the forest trail.
After coming back home happy and a little bit tired, he had a short sweet nap while we went out for brunch.
When we came back he watched the Yankees game with us.
Then we took him to a pet shop ("doggy style") and got some special anniversary teats for him.
We wanted to buy a cup cake for him but they did't have any right now.
So we got a froggy biscuit, a turkey disc, and a bbq beef bone shape treat.

We gave him the froggy and he loves it :-)

" Can I eat this now, please????? "
And he got some new toys, too.

" I love my new bunny friend!!"

"I always wanted to have this flying squirrel!!"
We got him from the corgi rescue. They said he was abused, beaten and grabbed by the collar.
So the first month after we got him, when we tried to pet his head, he always backed away or turned upside down to prevent being handled.
He always kept about 3 feet from us.
But now, he loves to be petted, cuddles with us, and is a great kisser.
He walks nicely without pulling, graduated obedience class and the basic agility class with flying colors.
He never chews anything except his toys which we allowed him to chew.
We feel so lucky to have him because he is our corgi jackpot.
He makes us laugh more and we are so much happier with him.
We love you Jeter. We will have many more wonderful days with you.
Next week, one of these puppies will be Jeter's new baby sister(or brother).

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