Here's Pooka last night at around 1AM (she looks miserable cuz I just woke her up and she's REALLY drowsy). It has moved to the other side of her face.

I gave her another half of a Benadryl and put her in her crate for the night.

At around 4AM, I woke up to continue studying for my test. She looked about the same, and though I opened the crate, she stayed in there (even after I left for school at 8:45). BUT! by 6AM, when I checked on her, it had really really gone down and it made studying easier as I was now at ease.

I'm now back from my test and we've been playing all day and here's what she looks like now:

(I took it from this angle to show you that she has a few swollen bumps, and you can see one on her forehead.)

In internet searching, realized there isn't much info on people's actual experiences with a swollen face reaction. Its always just a question "What do I do?" and an answer about figuring out cause, giving benadryl and going to vet if needed.

So I started getting worried that this was lasting 24 hours. How much longer would I have to keep giving her Benadryl, when would it stop coming back? if it was more than a day, did that mean is was serious? No one talked about how long it lasted.

Hopefully, we have cut out all contact with the pesticide (I put my clothes in the wash, the shoes are up, and I need to mop. We take her down the street for potty) and I might just have to call the company and ask how quickly it degrades.

I'm now letting her be in contact with the cat to see if it was the cat's flea treatment.

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 30, 2009 at 4:00pm
So glad to hear she is doing better!
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Comment by GoGoRainbow on March 30, 2009 at 3:38pm
oh, my dad said they've used this for their yard at least 6 times and their dauchshund has never had a reaction, so it could be something particular to Pooka. OR, it was a fluke and she got bit by something (some bug angry about the pesticide killing his brother) and we didn't notice.
Comment by GoGoRainbow on March 30, 2009 at 3:36pm
Nothing has happened since. We have let her have her antler chew, and 24 hours later, still nothing. YESTERDAY, we let her go out in the yard, and just tried to keep the sniffing around to a minimum (using a ball). That was in the evening. So all today we'll see if we notice a reaction.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 30, 2009 at 2:41pm
Oops, I mean "she"
Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 30, 2009 at 2:41pm
I've been thinking about Pooka this weekend. How is he doing now?
Comment by Cory & Adri on March 29, 2009 at 10:27am
cody did the same thing. he was about 8 months old i think when it happend. i came home from work and he came running to me but with a swollen face. he was normal also and fine but it freaked me out. i was terrified. gave him benadryl as well and the swelling went down that night. he has been fine ever since then tho,
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on March 28, 2009 at 2:35am
I'm glad she is feeling much better! I can't stand it when I know something is wrong with my babies, and I always take them to the vet. I am a very over protective/worried mother I guess!! Hope your test went well!
Comment by GoGoRainbow on March 28, 2009 at 1:31am
but but... since this morning she's been completely fine! She now is all unswollen.

During the whole 24 hours of being swollen she was completely normal, bugging us to play fetch/tug and eating normal, no signs of discomfort. Only thing that made her miserable was being drowsy from drugs and not understanding why she couldn't stay awake to play.

Our plan was, that if it was still swollen when I got back from my test I'd take her in, but it was her lucky day!
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on March 27, 2009 at 9:43pm
I know from your last post that you're not the kind of person that "depends on the vet" but I believe it's been long enough and you should take her in, she looks so unhappy and I bet she can't be too comfortable...
Comment by Tauna and Kota on March 27, 2009 at 5:01pm
glad she is getting better. So sad and scary. Hope it goes away for good soon. I would definately call the company to see if they know anything about anything and see how long it takes to degrade. You could also call a vet office to see if there is anything else you could to to help it without having to bring her in. they usually have no problem giving out simple info like that. if they dont, call another one. Hugs to you all.

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