So far Watson has been doing very well. we are really enjoying having a puppy again except for the occasions where he becomes a little tornado racing around and into everything. I think he is beginning to get used to our schedules and we are getting used to figuring out when he needs a potty break. He is still not very welcomed by Izzy but this happened today so I think there is hope that she will eventually tolerate him. I know that Cardis are supposedly less outgoing than Pems but he is so excited anytime he meets someone new that he definitely does not fit into that category. I have to say that all of his breeders dogs were like that when I met them. I have his ears taped right now. He isn't very happy about it but they are so large they need the help. I will continue to keep everyone informed about our progress.

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Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on May 6, 2014 at 7:24pm

love this picture, one of many pics to come of them laying together I am sure!  I have quite a few pics of Lance and Tucker laying with one another and I always found it so cute. 

Comment by Jane Christensen on April 29, 2014 at 7:53pm

Bev, if you check out my videos(2nd page) you will see Sage and Calvin playing he was always very respectful of her and played gently but those 2 could run forever....I believe Cardis are just as outgoing if not more:)

Comment by Beth on April 29, 2014 at 3:06pm
Maddie was 4.5 when she came here and Jack was just over 2. He tried to play with her and she snubbed him! But he runs to help her if the cat cuffs her in the head, checks her out to make sure she's ok when she gets home if we take her somewhere without him, and they are always right in the same place. So funny to see one of them standing over the top of the other when they are crowding to watch for dropped food (thanks to my husband). They don't like strange dogs to crowd them like that....
Comment by Linda on April 29, 2014 at 1:03pm

Beth is right...give them time.  My 2 don't play together.  Max wanted to when we first got Katie but she put him in his place and that was that.  Yet they are usually in the same room together, she knows when he is having pain with his neck and checks on him and lately I've been seeing them sleep close together.  Of course mine are 12 & 10 but Max was 6 when Katie joined our family...she was 4.

Comment by Beth on April 29, 2014 at 12:02pm
Oh, so cute! Izzy will probably come around. They may not be best friends, but she will get more comfortable having him there. My two hardly play but they both seem to really like having another dog in the house. Izzy may still miss Misty as well.
Comment by Stephanie on April 29, 2014 at 3:38am

Great photo...... 

Comment by Diane on April 29, 2014 at 12:21am
Aww... Cute! I know, it's funny... I've definitely read/heard that cardigans are less outgoing but the only one I've spent a lot of time with is the complete opposite. She's a total love bug and way more social than Chewey is (course that's not a very high bar :->). Will be curious to hear how Watson develops...
Comment by Linda on April 28, 2014 at 11:10pm

That sure is a start sharing a bed with him.

Comment by Bev Levy on April 28, 2014 at 7:14pm

Ha,ha Jane I am willing to settle for tolerance.

Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on April 28, 2014 at 5:52pm

<3!!!!   So awesome when they snuggle and lay with one another!

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