Multiple Dog Issue - AKA Bear is a tattletail

Anytime Goldy has something that Bear wants he simply walks over and takes it out of her mouth. NO fuss, no muss - she doesn't get angry and there's no drama...

Exception: Two bones in the floor, Bear has one, Goldy has one. Bear gets up to go and grab a quick drink, Goldy takes Bear's bone ( I think she likes his because he softens them up for her). In this situation Bear does not take it from her, he sit and stares at me and makes that "hmph" sound over and over, looking really really pitiful basically saying, "She took my bone, get it from her for me, pllllleeeeasssseee!"

This can go on for an hour. Sometimes I'll distract Goldy so Bear can go and steal the bone back. But I feel guilty for tricking her. I just don't understand it why he doesn't just go take it from her like he does everything else.

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Comment by Buddy & Wynstan on January 5, 2010 at 9:53pm
Wynstan is brave, he will steal bones and toys out of our German Shepherd's mouth, she looks at me like, "but...." Sometimes she will just walk towards him, and he will bolt and she will take it back. Then it will all start over again with 10 minutes
Comment by Bev Levy on January 5, 2010 at 6:47pm
Sparty will take bones from Misty but not Izzy. If Izzy takes his bone he will also lay there and woof pitifully. I think he recognizes Izzy as his female so she has rights and he just tolerates Misty so he takes anything from her. If I am around I do not allow him to take Misty's stuff but he does need to be reminded about that once in a while. Funny though Izzy never takes anything unless the other dog gets distracted. They always want whatever the other one has! LOL
Comment by Stephanie on January 5, 2010 at 6:38pm
Really good point - I never thought about it but when he was smaller I would hold the bone for him while he chewed on it - he hadn't quite mastered the whole using the paws as hands, so I helped him. I wonder if that could have done it. I can always count on you for good insight!
Comment by Beth on January 5, 2010 at 6:32pm
Did you ever work with him using bones to practice making sure he didn't have food possession issues? Just a thought; I was wondering if somehow in training you very successfully implanted in him the idea that All Bones In the House Belong to Mom, and that therefore he knows he can only have one if you have given it to him. If he feels it's really YOUR bone and not HIS bone, he might think that you gave it to her while he was out of the room and he's not entitled to it.

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