It has been a while since I have written a blog. I apologize. We got Huey and Taffey on Friday, May 4. On Sunday the 6th, my dad died, and the following week was more than hectic--sister coming in from California, arrangements, going back home for the burial, etc. We had to leave the babies for a whole day, which was NOT easy. Our neighbor, a great lady, spent most of the day with them, and they have really come to love her. She comes over almost daily to the fence that divides our yards and lifts each guy up to hug and kiss them. She has three Miniature Schnauzers. The oldest, a male named Bruno, comes to the fence and sits there, watching our boys wrestle and play. I usually take them to the fence and let them sniff each other's noses. That satisfies everyone concerned.
The boys have done remarkably well. We're still having an accident now and then but, for the most part, they are doing their business outside. The neighbor loaned us a large playpen, which gives them plenty of room while I'm doing things around the yard that require my full attention. They have gotten accustomed to it, and don't mind it a bit. That also helps me to monitor their stick-eating!
After the first night there has been no crying. We decided to put them in the same crate until they are a little older, and I think that has helped. They sleep lots--their favorite activity after eating, wrestling, and stick-eating--and their favorite spots outside the crate are the brick hearth (Huey) and under my chair in the kitchen, on the cool tile (Taffy). Sometimes they snuggle together, but mostly in their favorite spots.
Huey has raised his leg three times when he pees, but hasn't done it consistently. It is such a hoot to see that little leg lift. The first time I almost fell off the deck laughing. He looked at me like I had lost my mind.
So far there is no dominance issues, but I am sure there will be at some point. They seem equally matched in their wrestling bouts.
Here are a couple of pictures. I will try to do better with the blogs. The first time I let them out in the back lawn, they went directly to Stinky Wink's grave and stood there. My wife said, "Good Lord, it's like they know!" It's probably simpler than that, but I'd like to think she's right. They have never walked on it, and when they go past or around it, they stop for a second or two and look at the little Crogi statue. And I am pretty sure there have been a few times that they have felt the nudge from that unseen nose of their big brother.
Those are some precious puppies! I am so happy for you. I was sorry to hear about your dad. You have had a tough couple of months. Give those puppies a big hug and please take lots more pictures!
My codolences regarding your dad, and belated condolences also for dear Stinky Wink. I keep coming back to this thread to steal a peek at those precious puppies. I just love the picture where Huey is sleeping on top of Taffy, and I wish I could reach into the screen and give them each a little scritch behind the ears and a belly rub. Please keep the updates, stories, and pictures (especially the pictures!!) coming.
What adorable babies! So happy that they have come into your life! ^,,^
The babies are just precious! After the tough time you and your family have endured lately, you deserve to have so much fun with them. Keep the pictures coming.
Randy, I'm so happy for you and your wife! Sorry to hear about your dad's passing and your new little additions joined your family at just the right time. I think it is sweet how they recognize Stinky Wink's grave...their big brother is watching over them. Enjoy your new babies (and they are just adorable) and hopefully you will find a moment to keep up with the blogs and we can all share in your new adventures. Give Huey and Taffey kisses from Noodles and belly rubs and kisses from me.
They are so, so precious! Congratulations on your new additions! And also my condolences for the passing of your father. I agree with Emily - your new family members entered your life at just the right time.
OK. One corgi puppy is adorable enough, but two? The cute factor is off the charts! They are such a cute little pair. And you have 1 of each color.
Again, they made their appearance at the right time and can help you with your loss.
Soooo cute!! So sorry about your loss but I am glad the babies are keeping you busy.
Randy, I am so sorry about the loss of your father! Your boys are so adorable though ... glad they are doing so well :)
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