Something to keep in mind. Corgi's are herders. They are hard wired to control large animals including humans.
Their means of control is nipping and biting. To them they are just doing their jobs. This needs to be watched
closely, especially around children, and no one wants to invite a lawsuit. They are often surrendered for this very
behavior. I know first hand. I have one. With diligence, it can be controlled.

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Comment by Bev Levy on May 7, 2009 at 9:35pm
Boy, I don't really think corgis are that mouthy. We had one that was as a puppy but he hates being ignored so much that a yelp and stop of play ended it pretty quick. Certainly they want to be in charge but their natural good humor makes them easy to distract from it. I think if everyone tried to be consistent with their puppies there would be a lot less homeless dogs.
Comment by Nancy on May 7, 2009 at 5:20pm
For Maria and Shiro, puppies naturally nip as part of their play. However, it should not be encouraged
behavior, especially for a breed such as a Corgi. He's a very cute little boy.
Comment by Nancy on May 7, 2009 at 5:01pm
For Ann and Giz, it appears that Giz's herding instinct is stronger than the other Corgi. Because herding is a
natural instinct for most Corgi's, I don't know that you can or even should try to discourage them. The problem
is the nipping part. Have you tried one of those herding balls?
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on May 7, 2009 at 4:23pm
does it hurt really bad? Shiro is still a puppy, so he only nips on my toes and fingers

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