We start bailie in a training class in a week and a half. She is a generally good dog but she has trouble listening and obeying sometimes and though we have been working with her and really putting in effort, i know we need help. I was just wondering if anyone had any success stories as far as behavioral turn around after obedience training. Thanks!

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Comment by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on April 6, 2012 at 11:05am

After we lost our Newfie, my son took our 8 year old Boston to 4H obedience classes. It really helped both of them, especially the dog aggression issues we were having with Kipper. He's still not the best dog in the world but he is much easier to control than he was before, especially for my son.

Comment by Bev Levy on April 5, 2012 at 5:16pm

When my Sparty was about 6 months (he is 12 now) I realized that even though I thought I knew a lot about training that he was regularly "kickin my butt"! Classes helped me see how he was playing me and put a stop to his dominance. He still occasionally needs reminders because he is just the typical very smart, bossy, high energy corgi. My other corgis were never such a challenge but he is so much fun and frustrating at times that it is worth it. I strongly advocate for positive classes.

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