Ottis update and will eventually be up for adoption.

Well Ottis is doing very well except for his dog aggression issues, we are working on this but I would not trust him in a home with other dogs. He is okay when greeting dogs when both are on leashes..He does like cats though. He is an excellent dog  with no unwanted behaviors in the house. Ottis is a BIG boy weighing 43.8 #'s. He is not overweight (well maybe 3#'s) but he is larger than Corgi standards. I will be looking for a home for him by December and the only cost will be the $ spent to update his shots and if I get him neutered vs the new owner. Ottis will need to be an only dog but is great when he doesn't have to "share" his home, cats would be ok.. I have not had the chance to see how he does with children. Please, keep him in mind if you know of anyone looking for a Corgi.We live in MN. Ottis was surrendered because of a divorce and home foreclosure.

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Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on November 9, 2011 at 8:16pm

Jane, how sweet of you to find this sweet boy a home.  Wishing the best for Ottis in his new home, when it comes along, until then hes in awesome hands!! 

Comment by David DiPaola on November 9, 2011 at 7:44pm

@ Annie, my dog is the exact same way.  I'd like to get a 2nd corgi, but I don't know that will work out.

Comment by Katy on November 9, 2011 at 4:29pm
Comment by Jennifer Markley on November 9, 2011 at 4:21pm

I will keep my eyes and ears open.  Hopefully he can find a wonderful home.  Thank you for all you're doing for him!

Comment by Bev Levy on November 9, 2011 at 1:25pm

You have done a wonderful thing Jane in giving Otis a chance at a good life. Loss of homes is a major cause for people giving up sad.

Comment by John Wolff on November 9, 2011 at 1:17pm

It is so sad to remember that it's not just people suffering, but pets losing their homes too, just 'cause we can't figure out how to run an economy.

Get his weight down a bit of you can.  It's so nice that you're trying to find him a home!

Comment by Annie Hsu on November 9, 2011 at 12:34pm
He actually sounds like my miko... Aggression towards other dogs but sweet with everyone else... He needs to be an only dog in the house or time to warm up to your other dogs? Mikos trainer told me that his aggression is only because me and my family is around and he feels a need to protect us... Very true since he plays along just fine with other dogs when I drop him off at daycamp in petsmart... But then again, that's just miko... I'll help spread the word and see if anyone without a dog yet may be interested in Ottis

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