In the previous blog post I showed pictures of Ozzie who has lost 30lbs since arriving at Arizona Cactus Corgi Rescue.  A couple of people asked me what diet Ozzie has been on so I wrote Vicki, who runs AZCCR and asked for the details.  Here's her reply:

"As for kibble, we feed Purina OM (overweight management). I don't truly have a preference of whether green beans or pumpkin, the green beans are much more economical though, and easier to find, so that's what we go with. Plus the green beans can be given instead of cookie treats.

We started with 3/4 cup kibble, always adding water, that's a key point!! Then as he started to lose, we reduced to 1/2 cup. Most Corgis are only about 5-10 lbs overweight, and portion control is the main thing [compared to Ozzie's 30+lbs - D]. 1/2 a cup doesn't look like much in a bowl, so people tend to overfeed. I actually had someone bring their "cup" that they used to measure the kibble, guess what? It was a pitcher!!  Or some use a 32 oz "cup" and "only fill it 1/2 way" So we truly stress 1/2 cup and a couple tablespoons of Pumpkin, or a 1/4 cup green beans.
A treat that can be given is taking some of the pumpkin, add a tad of water, get a Kong toy, put one dab of peanut butter in the small hole, then fill the kong with the pumpkin and then freeze it. Now they have a fun Pumpkinsicle to lick on through out the day, keeps them busy, occupied and it is no fat!!"

There you have it, Ozzie's diet plan.  The proof is in the pictures and it didn't take any will power at all on Ozzie's part, all it took was someone who loved him enough to feed him carefully and consistently for a whole year.
Ozzie is still with AZ Cactus Corgi Rescue and in need of a forever home.

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Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on October 31, 2011 at 9:44pm
Just to clarify things a bit:  Ozzie isn't my Corgi, he's a rescue with AZ Cactus Corgi Rescue.  I've seen the "before and after" Ozzie up close and personal and wanted to offer some encouragement to those around here who's Corgis might be packing some extra lbs.
Comment by Stephanie Starkey on October 31, 2011 at 9:17pm
aww congrats!  we got loo at 38lbs, down from 41.  it was a rough time figuring out portions and exercise regimen.  she's still a little pokey and will never be my running buddy, but she's soo much healthier and happier!
Comment by Bev Levy on October 31, 2011 at 8:25pm
He looks so much healthier!
Comment by Miranda~ Moses | Maya | Maverick on October 31, 2011 at 7:49pm
That is fantastic and an inspiration. Thanks for posting!!!
Comment by Michelle on October 31, 2011 at 7:35pm

Wow!!!  Ozzie looks great.  I know that it took alot of commitment to get him in such great shap.  ^,,^

Comment by Katy on October 31, 2011 at 7:34pm
That's a great post and congrats to you and Ozzie! That's soo awesome! I'll have to check out the OP.
Comment by Jennifer Markley on October 31, 2011 at 7:23pm
He looks great!  I was petting Seanna the other day, and felt a hard lump.  I got teary eyed and thought "oh no!  She has a tumor!".  Turns out it was just her ribs..:-)  We'd never felt them before!!

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