When 9 year old Ozzie arrived at Arizona Cactus Corgi Rescue late in 2010 he weighed over 60 pounds, a shocking weight for a dog that should weigh 30lbs or less. He was a sad sight, too fat to play, too fat to do anything but be sad. But AZCCR pack leader Vicki Combs knew there was still a happy Corgi inside there so Ozzie went to diet boot camp.
Sad Ozzie
Many months on a diet of love, kibble, and pumpkin got Ozzie down to 30lbs and counting!
Voile! The new Ozzie!
He's in a foster home right now and waiting for his forever home. At 10 years old he's definitely a senior Corgi but you'd never know it when you look at that face. His foster mom says he loves to play tug and gets along pretty well with other dogs.
If your Corgi is too heavy, don't be mean and keep feeding too much like someone did to Ozzie. All you're doing is stealing real joy from your Corgi's life and joy from your own.
Update: Ozzie's diet plan is here.
Good Job! Ozzie!
what a beautiful corgi!
Wish I could lose weight like him!! I need to have someone like Vicky.
He looks so happy. Good job Ozzie and Vicky!
Beth, I don't know what kibble Ozzie gets but I feel safe in saying that it's of a good quality. When I spoke with Vicky on Sunday she seemed to be a big believer in raw (un-spiced), canned pumpkin more than green beans. I think the main thing is that Ozzie gets his daily ration and not many extra treats. Add in some exercise and the results are there but it did take a full year to accomplish.
A dog's metabolism works faster than our so a strict diet and exercise should pay off over time. Ozzie lost about 50% of his body weight in about a year but that translates to only about 1.3 ounces per day.
My experience with my own dogs (who tend to be a little chubby like their owner) is that it's much harder for me to be strict with my desire to give them food than it is for them to accept what they are given. They don't have a choice in what they get to eat, we humans do the choosing for them. What seems like a tiny treat to us is a big treat for them.
Gromit needs to lose a couple of pounds so I reduced his ration slightly about 2 months ago. I'm hoping he'll lose 2lbs by January or so, not very fast, but good for him. Since it's autumn there should be some canned pumpkin in the stores so I need to look for some of that too. I'm sure the pumpkin will be tastier for Gromit than just kibble even as it fills him up more.
Ozzie looks great!! What brand of kibble did they feed?? I have an overweight Corgi and have been given different advise on what foods to use without any positive results. She is only getting a 1/4 of kibble twice a day with green beans. She fortunatly has not gained any more weight but is only losing ounces at a time.
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