Poor little Didi had a big day today.
Yesterday I was idly picking at my dogs teeth when I saw that Didi's back-top tooth was cracked and a chunk of it was moving back and forth. GROSS!
So I scheduled to come in today. She was put under and they were able to remove the chip and seal the tooth. The root wasn't exposed by the chip so they were able to save the tooth. Hurray!
455$ dollars later I have a drowsy dog with clean teeth and half of one tooth gone.
Also gone are all the cow hooves in the house. The vet said that most dogs never have the problem but some are able to crunch a little too hard. Poor didi is a cruncher.
Worst news of all, NO CHEWING ANYTHING FOR A MONTH! A whole month with now chewy nomnom toys, no stuffed animals, no ropes, no dentabones, no bully sticks. She will be desperate.

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Comment by Tauna and Kota on July 23, 2010 at 5:16am
Wow. That's so scary. I'm so glad you caught it and the tooth was able to be saved. Poor baby @ no chewing for a month. My Kota isn't really a big chewer, but what little he does... He would be going insane by the end of the month!!! Lots of walkies and tummy rubs will make the month go by quickly!!!
Comment by Sarah C. on July 23, 2010 at 12:05am
Sam- Pretty lucky indeed! It couldnt have happened more than a day or so before.

Didi says thanks for the get well wishes from yall. Or I think that's was the drugged dozing and drooling means. :P
Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on July 22, 2010 at 11:20pm
Oh No! Glad to hear that she will be fine, but that's a tough thing, no chewing. Poor Didi!! We all hope the month of no chew goes by fast! Feel better!!!
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 22, 2010 at 11:06pm
poor Didi, glad you caught it in time and wasn't infected. Get well soon Didi!

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