I'll start this by saying I really don't like bugs. I'm OK with the bug about to be discussed, by they are a little too similar to my nemesis, the cockroach.
So, here's the deal.
Reagan loves to eat june bugs.
He loves to chase them, scratch them, smash them, roll in them, chomp them out of the air, and EAT them. Sitting outside with me while I'm raining is like a feast to him. He loves them best alive, when they cling to his muzzle, because then he gets to fling them into the air and eat them with a SNAP.
I'm not too worried about him eating them, even though he eats a LOT of them. On the farm the cats used to eat massive ammounts of grasshoppers and june bugs and it never did them any harm. It just made them really shiny.
Just yesterday we were walking in the house and he had one crawling on his whiskers and I said "DONT BRING THAT IN THE HOUSE". He snapped it up and looked at me like I was crazy.
Any one else have a june bug loving dog?

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on July 12, 2010 at 3:34am
We don't have many June bugs here, but Sid loves to try to catch flies right out of the air!
Comment by Mette Egelund Rasmussen on July 9, 2010 at 11:04am
Well I love calling Charlie my spider eating dog. Because I hate spiders and he loves to jump on them and puts them in his mouth and either swallow or spits them out again. After that trip they´re usually not alive:-) I tend to encourage him because I think it's harmless and it makes us both happy ;-)
Comment by Avyon on July 9, 2010 at 10:35am
Not june bugs but Roxi LOVES spider crickets. those hunched over mean looking crickets you usually find in basements. The place we're moving out of now has so many of them its a wonderful free toy for her.
Comment by Jane Christensen on July 9, 2010 at 12:52am
Yes, mine all love to eat June bugs...I'd have to say it's their favorite bug also!
Comment by David on July 8, 2010 at 11:51pm
Yoda is partial to cockroaches. I try to stop him, but he is always too fast for me!
Comment by Mary on July 8, 2010 at 6:04pm
LOL! Nibbles loves to play with bugs. Not just eat, but play! She paws at them and rubs her face on them, and when they are smushed, she plops her head on top of them and sighs, like, why did it stop playing? And then after a few minutes she eats them. LOL>
Comment by Cindy P on July 8, 2010 at 3:18pm
YES!!! My Dixie LOVED them!! She would do exactly what Reagan does. Once she ate so many that she threw them up! Gross! But I would laugh so hard at her chasing those things. I miss her so much. I lost her two years ago and she still makes me smile. Thanks for the memories!
Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on July 8, 2010 at 3:11pm
Here in central Texas we have the "Central Texas Leaf Katydid". They're big nasty, creepy looking things that make horrible chirping noises (like crickets time a million) and during the summer the noise of all of them in the trees is deafening at night. Sometimes its hard to sleep. Well Orion loves them. LOVES them! He especially loves to carry them around alive in his mouth while they're making their chirpy noise or when they cling to his nose.
Comment by Ray Cronin on July 8, 2010 at 2:51pm
He's is really good looking!

Here in Central Florida its little geckos; Torri loves to chase them down and play with them. Once they are dead, she loses interest, but does occasionally dine on one, dead or not.

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