HENRY: Corgi, Dog; Mount Carmel, IL

Look who is at a shelter only an hour from me!!!! I already emailed all my details and called them as soon as I saw him.  He isn't available until Jan 6th, and may still have someone claim him, but crossing my fingers that I will be able to do the honorable thing and adopt this guy.  I will keep you all updated!

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Comment by LA Stewart on January 5, 2013 at 8:10pm

I am glad that his family found him.  Sorry for your disappointment.

Someday you will find the right Corgi for you and Scout. 

It is great having two Corgis.  My two are the best of friends.  They play and nap together.  It makes me feel better when I go to work that they have each other for company.

Comment by Emily & Scout on January 3, 2013 at 8:40pm

Yeah, I am happy for the owners.  I would be sick if I lost my Scout.  I am glad I have her.  My search isn't too desperate since she is all I need.  But I would have a blast with two!

Comment by Ludi on January 3, 2013 at 2:13pm

As much as I hope you can find your new corgi-mate soon, I admit I am very happy that he was reunited with his family. If Ace were in a shelter I know that he would be snapped up as soon as possible, and that I would be just... beyond heartbroken. Best of luck in your continued search!!

Comment by Tauna and Kota on January 3, 2013 at 1:41pm

I'm very glad his family claimed him! Would have been cool to get him if they didn't though. Always love reunions of people finding their family member.

Comment by Emily & Scout on January 3, 2013 at 11:04am
He was reclaimed by his owner. Bittersweet.
Comment by Ingrid & Ein on January 2, 2013 at 11:42pm

Plan to arrive before the shelter opens on his release date. My experience with corgis in shelters is that they're adopted as soon as the shelter opens for the day!

Comment by Jane Christensen on January 2, 2013 at 5:09pm

Crossing fingers and paws:)

Comment by Yuki & Ellie on January 2, 2013 at 11:25am

Oh my goodness, he's so handsome!  Good luck, Emily!

Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on January 2, 2013 at 11:15am

He's adorable!!! Keep your fingers crossed! I was able to get a corgi from my local shelter for a friend recently, corgis in my area don't last long, I literally showed up when the shelter opened on the day he was released and snagged him up! There have been a total of 3 (if I remember right) corgis in shelters in my area in the last 3 to 4 years! So it can happen, just make sure you are there right when they open. Our shelters don't do holds so its first come first serve, if you can hold him, call and put a hold on him!

Comment by Emily & Scout on January 2, 2013 at 10:56am
There are 2 people ahead of me... cross your fingers!!!

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