Hey, I don't do too many entries, but this one deserved one on its own, since I know a lot of you have similar weight issues with your Corgis.
Riley at his high point was 42.2 lbs, ugh. I felt bad, because it was honestly not his fault (well, or really mine either.)
My vet and I were baffled for years, to the point where we were going to put him on drugs for the issue, as a last resort. We had to get the weight off this dog. We drew blood, expected there to be a thyroid issue - he naturally has a low temp - two degrees below normal is his normal - a low heartrate, low everything, and then tested him for all sorts of lovely things. (900 dollars later, vet said, "The only thing I can see with him is that he is truly zen, that's for sure.")
People would lecture me to walk the poor dog and feed him less and I'd point out we went three miles every other day (he kept up just fine) and he ate a 1/4 cup of restricted calorie dog food daily with green beans, and that was it. Sigh. My other dogs really didn't look like this, heck, my Shepherd was a lean, mean racing machine.
However... wow, popped him on the scale Sat at work and he's down to 29.5 lbs, as of Saturday! I honestly didn't realize how much he'd lost until it dawned on me the other day that people weren't coming in the shop insulting the poor dog. It had gotten to the point where my employees would basically tell people to shut the heck up nicely about it, and leave Riley alone.
Finally, I've found the diet that works for him. Thirteen pounds off, five to go!

Haha, the only thing that now I laugh about is that funky little tail. It's the worst dock job ever, and now you can see it... ;) I'm okay with that. Now, the herd and I are off for our three mile walk.
Cardigan Complex
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