Savannah update!!! (the boxer mix who was stolen and returned)

Little Bear = 4 year old Corgi
Savannah= Bear's biggest little sister; pit bull boxer mix
Lexi= Bear's littlest little sister, full blooded pit bulls

Some days I feel like I'm on an episode of Jon and Kate Plus Eight meets the Dog Whisperer.

"It might be a crazy life... but its our life."

Some people look down on us. I hear it all. Three dogs? How irresponsible could you be? There's no way you can take care of them with just the two of you (my boyfriend and I). Isn't that illegal? So you have a corgi and a pit bull/boxer and a pit bull? Don't they attack your Corgi all the time?

1) Three dogs: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, yeah. We have three by a beautiful... well I don't want to say accident... Someone stole Savannah, then we got Lexi to fill that void that was left when she was gone, and poof! Savannah returns (thanks to an amazing cop! We love you Tommy!). What, are we gonna get rid of Lexi (youngest; full blooded pit) just because Savannah came home? No way! Those two... its like you can't even tell where one ends and the other begins. They are BEST FRIENDS. They do everything together. There's no way we could imagine life without our girls (and no way in HELL I could imagine life without my Corgi, Bear).

2) How irresponsible could you be?: See above. Oh yeah, and bite me. :D

3) There's no way you can take care of them with just the two of you: Yeah, it takes a lot of effort and a LOT of teamwork, but Quinn and I are raising some incredible little girls with hearts bigger than their appetites. AND it stinks cause sometimes he has to work nights and its just me, and then he has to pick up the slack on days. But they are sweet dogs, all of them. And we work together and we provide for our kiddos.They listen to mommy (LOL we call it "Mommy Law". When I put my foot down it better happen, by God. HAHAHA!!!). Daddy is the one you can get anything over on. Mommy is the one you listen to.

4) The girls' breed/aggression issues: What is it that Cesar Milllan says? Submission is shown by lying down on their backs and fully surrendering? Yes, that's the one. Well my girls do this constantly. BEAR is the mean one, LOL! We call him our grumpy old man. We have some aggression issues we're working on him with. But all in all... my girls have never bitten, attacked, or even made a mean face at anyone, haha! And they love their big brother unconditionally and only want to be near him. He's not used to doggy affection. I think he's really a softie with a hard shell, LOL!

I love showing everyone up when it comes to the girls. I was, for most of my life, one of the people who scorned pit bulls. My mother was too. I believed they were scary because of their muscles and their evil reputations. Yeah. Raise one from puppy hood. You cannot get them OFF you! I have never seen two little people who want to snuggle as much as they do. My saying about them is 4 inches too close is 7 inches too far away for them! LOL!

My Mama loves loves LOVES the girls. And when I first got them, she was pissed. I heard it all. She was so apprehensive to meet them but now? She cannot get enough of them and asks how her grandpuppies are allllll the time (Bear included... she spoils him rotten, haha!). Her mind has been made up. Pits and Corgis are the only dogs she wants around her future grandchildren. My little brother sleeps with Savannah and Lexi when we go up to visit (he's 13). Would you let a crazy dog around your baby brother? Well... crazy bad! My girls are good crazy! :D They cry if they can't be around uncle Taylor. They know the rules at our house. When we get to see uncle Taylor??? All rules are out the window. They want their uncle!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how he does it... they sleep for 12 hours with him. Never wake up. 12!

This is also a post to tell everyone about how they shouldn't believe everything the news, or whatever says about pit bulls and attacks. The dogs that are classified as pit bulls which attack people are (usually) mixed breed and 9 times out of 10 a result of inbreeding or something that thereof. Like breeding with an unstable line. And yes, some pits really ARE evil, having been trained that way by their owners.

I love my girls. Bear is always (which I hate to say) always gonna be my #1. We were each other's lives for a few years until Quinn came into our lives. And then Savannah. And Lexi. We're a crazy family of 5. At the end of the day, I look at Bear and thank God for him. A Corgi makes a happy home. He makes ours whole.

I just wanted to let everyone know. I've loved, lost, regained, been smothered by, had to wash my hair 3 times in one day because of kissy slobber (true story), wrangled in, tripped over, snuggled on, and been furniture to 2 wonderful pit bull girls.

Having Savannah home is a blessing only from God. Having all three of my babies? Now that's bliss.

I know this post is long... but I have such a big, great family, how could I not brag?!?!?!?! :D Happy Corgi butt wiggles to everyone!!!

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Comment by Ashley and Copper on February 11, 2010 at 8:17pm
I really want to give you big kudos here. I know what it was like to have a corgi and him be your everything and it's kind of weird because the one I'm referring to was named Pooh bear. If you can handle that many animals I say GO FOR IT! If I did not live in such a small apartment I would have more than just the one I have. I want another corgi, a german shepherd (had them all my life), a doberman and I'm sure I could think of something else. :) My mom has 5 dogs and three cats. Oh and a turtle. It doesn't even seem like she has that many. They are just like family
Comment by christy fry on February 9, 2010 at 2:30am
I also have 3 pups and amazingly enough get that same question alot I don't reply most of the times because unless your living with me and them what the heck does it really matter anyways?
Comment by Cheryl Nickel on February 8, 2010 at 11:48am
You go girl!! No one could have said it better!! As a Mom to three I totally agree with everything you said. No one has a right to criticize the number of dogs we choose to raise & live with as long as they are well cared for and loved. My husband and I are in our 50's and have no problem working full time jobs, caring for our home, being there for family members when needed and caring for and loving Roscoe, Maggie & Chelsea. I could never imagine my life without my four-legged children!
Comment by Bev Levy on February 8, 2010 at 7:58am
I feel the same about our doberman, an unplanned addition to our household. I never would have gotten a big dog like this at this time in my life but when she curls up on the couch with her head on my lap I am smitten. She lets the corgis and cats boss her around and people take one look at her when I am walking her and switch to the other side of the street. She does deserve some of that because she is capable just as the pits are but the will is not there.
Comment by Sky and Lyla on February 8, 2010 at 12:19am
I understand the "insanity." I have three and I live alone! And despite what people think, I don't have three dogs to take the place of a boyfriend or children, I have them because I have a true love for trianing and caring for dogs! You keep right on educating people about responsible dog ownership!
Comment by Jane Christensen on February 7, 2010 at 9:05pm
Sounds like even though things are IS good with 3 active babes! Congrats and I think everyone is so happy you got your baby Savannah back!

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