Sidney's FHO journey, 9 weeks after surgery

It's amazing to me the big changes in Sidney in the last couple of weeks. He's been able to walk a lot farther without stopping to rest and he's been just to happy! He has no problems now jumping up on the sofa or getting up on the bed with the help of a storage cube that gives him a step up.

He's been taking hydrotherapy for the past 6 weeks, and it has made his so strong...he's got such muscles. He used to hate the water, but now he takes to it willingly. He just had his final session, and I was a bit sad to say goodbye to swim coach Natalie. She's been absolutely wonderful with Sidney. During his last session, Sidney was leaping into the water on his own :)

Here is Sidney swimming with my daughter:

Here is Sidney with swim coach Natalie:

she has a corgi herself and really loves Sidney.

Yesterday I took Sidney to my niece's softball game, and we wandered the park for a little while. After we came home, and then took the other two dogs (the cranky old men) on one of our neighborhood walks...the "short one"...but Sidney made it the whole way walking on all fours, without stopping to rest!

Today (Sunday) I took Sidney to Buena Creek park for a walk. It's not too far, but there is a steep incline:

yep, that's it. Those are people wayyy down there!

Here's Sidney, showing his stride. You can't tell when he walks now that they did anything to his leg. No limp at all!

When we got to the top, Sidney jumped up on a rock to take in the view. He showed great balance and check out that muscle tone:

Sidney made the entire hike without stopping to rest or limping. Atta boy!

I'm so relieved that Sidney seems to be improving by leaps and bounds. He's a tough little corgi and I love him so much!

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Comment by Bev Levy on November 15, 2010 at 8:42am
Wow, he is in great shape for it being only 9 weeks! Good job!
Comment by John Wolff on November 14, 2010 at 10:35pm
I so hope Sid lives a long and healthy, fun life. It's so obvious that you love that dog so much.
And he is so cool with that tail; Al & Gwynn are so jealous, they never let on but I can tell.
Comment by Beth on November 14, 2010 at 10:17pm
Glad to hear the progress, and I can't believe it's been 9 weeks! Where does the time go.
Comment by Jane Christensen on November 14, 2010 at 9:36pm
Yea Sidney! I'm so happy for you both!
Comment by Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!) on November 14, 2010 at 9:36pm
That's so great that he is doing so well! I can't wait for Luna to meet him!

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